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Fibaro FGDW-002 (Door/Window Sensor) not configurable due to JS Error in Web Frontend

Ulf Dammertz shared this problem 6 years ago

Hey Zipas!

I have just connected my new Fibaro Sensor to the Zipamicro. Most of it works: Sensor Values, Triggers and I can use it in Rules.

But I can not configure the main node! Clicking on "Save" in the Web App just does nothing. It is possible to change the configuration of a (sub) sensor but not of the device itself. So no naming and no configuration of the update interval. That's quite bad for a battery driven device.

Deleting and reconnecting sadly did not help.

The cause for not saving is a JS Error of the web frontend:

app-classes.js?v=1.5.9:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
    at Object.<anonymous> (app-classes.js?v=1.5.9:1)
    at Object.each (ext-all.js:21)
    at Object.iterate (ext-all.js:21)
    at j.setDeviceConfigData (app-classes.js?v=1.5.9:1)
    at j.sendSaveRequest (app-classes.js?v=1.5.9:1)
    at j.saveDevice (app-classes.js?v=1.5.9:1)
    at (ext-all.js:21)
    at A.dispatch (ext-all.js:21)
    at A.a.fireEventArgs (ext-all.js:21)
    at A.fireEvent (ext-all.js:21)
The Problem occurs in Chrome and Firefox.

Any Ideas?

Replies (1)


This is a known problem that I've reported. Apparently, a new web front-end is close to launch and it will be fixed there (maybe?!)


Did you find any way to configure the Ting? The App uses the same codebase hence same error in it. I had a look at the JS and found the place where the error fires. The configuration seems to be null when it tries to iterate through it. But I do not know (yet) why the config object is empty. Its a long row of functions each calling another, handing over the configuration object. I think it's breaking right at the beginning. Mabe just a ba ID at the initial call. That could be an explanation why it works for other devices. I'll keep searching but would love if I would not have to... Is ther a beta program maybe?


I haven't delved into the JS, but I sort of doubt we can do much about it. It would be nice to have control at the source-code level.

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