Compatibility with FGRM-221
Does the Zipabox compatible with the FGRM-221 from fibaro? It is the new device for roller shutter that include electronic roller shutter (a lot of people will be happy)
If not, when will you include it?
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Initial support for the FGRM-221 is now available. Precise shutter positioning via slider controls will be available in the next firmware version.
Initial support for the FGRM-221 is now available. Precise shutter positioning via slider controls will be available in the next firmware version.
Any news about this one?
Any news about this one?
Yes, give us some news . . .
Sure a small roadmap section will be a good thing to do not create post about new module
Yes, give us some news . . .
Sure a small roadmap section will be a good thing to do not create post about new module
Initial support for the FGRM-221 is now available. Precise shutter positioning via slider controls will be available in the next firmware version.
Initial support for the FGRM-221 is now available. Precise shutter positioning via slider controls will be available in the next firmware version.
Marko> thanks a lot for the communication !
I'll receive my new module today, i'll test it and wait this firmware.
Marko> thanks a lot for the communication !
I'll receive my new module today, i'll test it and wait this firmware.
any news about the slider?
any news about the slider?
Same question, any news about firmware that can manage FGRM module?
Same question, any news about firmware that can manage FGRM module?
especially the new FGRM-222 module. got it running, but strange behaviour of the up and down button in the control panel.
when I press down the shutter goes down.
to pauze it i have to press the down button. (will be enabled)
if i want to continue down, i have to press it again. shutter goes down. but state of the down button is off.
and the other way around when going up.
so if you pauze halfway closing or opening and continue the state of the buttons is incorrect.
and current consumption is not displaying anything except 0.0W
especially the new FGRM-222 module. got it running, but strange behaviour of the up and down button in the control panel.
when I press down the shutter goes down.
to pauze it i have to press the down button. (will be enabled)
if i want to continue down, i have to press it again. shutter goes down. but state of the down button is off.
and the other way around when going up.
so if you pauze halfway closing or opening and continue the state of the buttons is incorrect.
and current consumption is not displaying anything except 0.0W
Any news about slider control ?
Any news about slider control ?
If you're running 0.9.996 firmware, just remove your FGRM and add it again and you should get a slider.
If you're running 0.9.996 firmware, just remove your FGRM and add it again and you should get a slider.
good news BUT Do we absolutly need to remove it?!?
It means open the switch... remove, add, learning process, close the switch... This is annoying!.
If we reapply descriptors?
Is there another solution
good news BUT Do we absolutly need to remove it?!?
It means open the switch... remove, add, learning process, close the switch... This is annoying!.
If we reapply descriptors?
Is there another solution
Only applying descriptor not work.
It's bad news, we must open the switch. not so good.
Only applying descriptor not work.
It's bad news, we must open the switch. not so good.
May be zipato can do a auto-migration ?
May be zipato can do a auto-migration ?
Great !
I ve got just one and switch not closed yet . . . i will test when go back my home ! ! !
Great !
I ve got just one and switch not closed yet . . . i will test when go back my home ! ! !
Well now I 've done some tests!
As I was expecting a little it works but there is still some quirks.
What I did:
So I excluded the module then I included again .
After that , I was in the configuration parameter to change the type of switch - > " bistable " .
I changed the value of "force Roller shutter calibration " to " start_calibration_process "
I did a sync. . . the roller shutter is then started to make its calibration.
Here then what I can say about the operation :
Since the web portal , if I click on the icon roller shutter , it opens completely (0%) or closed (100 %).
In contrast , the use of positioning Roller shutter at an intermediate position works with a few remarks.
If my roller shutter is open (0%) and I close 50% it closes at 3/4.
If the roller shutter is closed (100%) and I open it to 50%, on the one hand , the position is not the same but especially by tracing the component to a higher INTERMEDIATE position , the roller shutter goes up to his position but back down systematically 8% (in interface btw if I ask him ... 80% then it goes redescent 73 or 72 %.
I do not understand the interest ? ? ?
Well now I 've done some tests!
As I was expecting a little it works but there is still some quirks.
What I did:
So I excluded the module then I included again .
After that , I was in the configuration parameter to change the type of switch - > " bistable " .
I changed the value of "force Roller shutter calibration " to " start_calibration_process "
I did a sync. . . the roller shutter is then started to make its calibration.
Here then what I can say about the operation :
Since the web portal , if I click on the icon roller shutter , it opens completely (0%) or closed (100 %).
In contrast , the use of positioning Roller shutter at an intermediate position works with a few remarks.
If my roller shutter is open (0%) and I close 50% it closes at 3/4.
If the roller shutter is closed (100%) and I open it to 50%, on the one hand , the position is not the same but especially by tracing the component to a higher INTERMEDIATE position , the roller shutter goes up to his position but back down systematically 8% (in interface btw if I ask him ... 80% then it goes redescent 73 or 72 %.
I do not understand the interest ? ? ?
Hello, are you sure that when roller is open, it's 0% and close 100% ??
Because my FGR 221 (old version) is open 100% and close 0% !
maybe you have crossed the descent and ascent ?
I test it tonight with my new FGRM.
Hello, are you sure that when roller is open, it's 0% and close 100% ??
Because my FGR 221 (old version) is open 100% and close 0% !
maybe you have crossed the descent and ascent ?
I test it tonight with my new FGRM.
Yes I am sure: 0% my roller is totaly open and icon interface is a shutter WITHOUT the arrow down. 100% it is completely closed with the shutter icon WITH the arrow down.
In any case, I tested by reversing the wires and the problem also occurs but in reverse. I ask him to go to x% and then it goes down to x% and goes up by +8 or +7%.
I also have a FGR-221 like you and it is at 0% closed and open at 100% it is open but in my opinion not consistent with the interface and the icons on zipato web portal. Note the icon 100% or 0% is reversed between the web portal and mobile application android! ! Don't remenber for ios app but look when got my ipad
Yes I am sure: 0% my roller is totaly open and icon interface is a shutter WITHOUT the arrow down. 100% it is completely closed with the shutter icon WITH the arrow down.
In any case, I tested by reversing the wires and the problem also occurs but in reverse. I ask him to go to x% and then it goes down to x% and goes up by +8 or +7%.
I also have a FGR-221 like you and it is at 0% closed and open at 100% it is open but in my opinion not consistent with the interface and the icons on zipato web portal. Note the icon 100% or 0% is reversed between the web portal and mobile application android! ! Don't remenber for ios app but look when got my ipad
On my fgrm222 0% is closed, 100% is open.
You may change the connection to O2/O1.
Dide oyour calibration start to open the roller?
On my fgrm222 0% is closed, 100% is open.
You may change the connection to O2/O1.
Dide oyour calibration start to open the roller?
As i said . . . make test in the two configuration for the connection wire . . . and same result . . . stop and move again up or down by 8%
Do you have the same problem ? . . . . for information i have somfy roller with electronics stop and bistable button . . .
Concern the interface, so when your roller is open (100% as you said) your icon is :
And when you roller is closed (0%) your icon is :
In my opinion, this is not logical . . .
Made a mistake in my previous post . . . icon are the same on web app and ios app . . . however . . icon don't change on android app . . .
As i said . . . make test in the two configuration for the connection wire . . . and same result . . . stop and move again up or down by 8%
Do you have the same problem ? . . . . for information i have somfy roller with electronics stop and bistable button . . .
Concern the interface, so when your roller is open (100% as you said) your icon is :
And when you roller is closed (0%) your icon is :
In my opinion, this is not logical . . .
Made a mistake in my previous post . . . icon are the same on web app and ios app . . . however . . icon don't change on android app . . .
@DaBoss :
Non problem, when I made the calibration the roller go to full open then to full closed then to full open. its mad the course in one time.
For the icon, you are right. i don't made care about icon.
I think the must create more icons, maybe 5 icons, one full closed, one 25% open, one 50%open, one 75% open, and one 100%open. It is more visual.
@DaBoss :
Non problem, when I made the calibration the roller go to full open then to full closed then to full open. its mad the course in one time.
For the icon, you are right. i don't made care about icon.
I think the must create more icons, maybe 5 icons, one full closed, one 25% open, one 50%open, one 75% open, and one 100%open. It is more visual.
The second roller does not work as the same think, I must force the calibration.
This calibration shall start when you modify parameter and when you synchronise the zipabox. Directly the roller begin the calibration. For unknown raison, the calibration does not work every time (may be poor connection).
If it can help you.
The second roller does not work as the same think, I must force the calibration.
This calibration shall start when you modify parameter and when you synchronise the zipabox. Directly the roller begin the calibration. For unknown raison, the calibration does not work every time (may be poor connection).
If it can help you.
There are more ways to start the calibration process, please consult the user manual of the Roller shutter. I think the manual describes at least three ways to start the calibration process.
There are more ways to start the calibration process, please consult the user manual of the Roller shutter. I think the manual describes at least three ways to start the calibration process.
Already done the calibration (test the two configuration for O1 & O2). But will retry tonight as you said. Start with roller full close and plug the fgrm222 in order to start calibration by make full open.
@Marko Katic
The real probleme is not the calibration or the way i plug the module in my opinion.
The probleme is when i ask my roller to go in intermediate position (like 60%) the roller go to this value and then go in the other direction from 8% . . . from the web interface the slider change the value from 60% to 52% . . .(or to 68% it depend how i plug my module O1 & O2, appear when goes up or down)
I may be poorly explained, i not sure that my english is good . . .
Already done the calibration (test the two configuration for O1 & O2). But will retry tonight as you said. Start with roller full close and plug the fgrm222 in order to start calibration by make full open.
@Marko Katic
The real probleme is not the calibration or the way i plug the module in my opinion.
The probleme is when i ask my roller to go in intermediate position (like 60%) the roller go to this value and then go in the other direction from 8% . . . from the web interface the slider change the value from 60% to 52% . . .(or to 68% it depend how i plug my module O1 & O2, appear when goes up or down)
I may be poorly explained, i not sure that my english is good . . .
Will try to make a video as short as possible in order to see what happend realy.
Will try to make a video as short as possible in order to see what happend realy.
DaBoss: So if i udnerstand you correctly.
- To open and close the roller shutter works perfectly. 0-100-0. (Open-Close-Open)
But when you try to get it something in the middle like 60% it goes to that value but then turn direction for 8%?
For me 0% is Open and not a used Curtain and 100% is all down and fully used. Is this how it works?
DaBoss: So if i udnerstand you correctly.
- To open and close the roller shutter works perfectly. 0-100-0. (Open-Close-Open)
But when you try to get it something in the middle like 60% it goes to that value but then turn direction for 8%?
For me 0% is Open and not a used Curtain and 100% is all down and fully used. Is this how it works?
@kirstian olofsson
Yes exactly !
0 and 100 work perfectly . . . "But when you try to get it something in the middle like 60% it goes to that value but then turn direction for 8%?" -> YES . . . . BUT . . . this id what happend moreover in the interface . . . the slider value i had set to 60 . . .change to 68 . . . BUT it does not happened when start to 0% and changed to 60%
@kirstian olofsson
Yes exactly !
0 and 100 work perfectly . . . "But when you try to get it something in the middle like 60% it goes to that value but then turn direction for 8%?" -> YES . . . . BUT . . . this id what happend moreover in the interface . . . the slider value i had set to 60 . . .change to 68 . . . BUT it does not happened when start to 0% and changed to 60%
Sorry i dont get it, it happens when you slide in dashboard but not from 0%? Only from eg 30->60? Then it goes 60+8? But does The roller move too?
Sorry i dont get it, it happens when you slide in dashboard but not from 0%? Only from eg 30->60? Then it goes 60+8? But does The roller move too?
O H . . . . M Y . . . . . G O D . . . ! it's working well now ! ! ! it's make me crazy !
I don't changed anything from physical installation . . . i have only exclude the module and include it again and i made the video to expose you how i have include and calibrate it through parameter option and synchronisation . . .
Then my video is done . . . i make some test, goes up/down and middle in order to make a video of the problem but it don't appeared yet ! ! !
I don't why and what i make wrong the previous time i do those actions . . .
thanks for all.
And good job from zipato team !
O H . . . . M Y . . . . . G O D . . . ! it's working well now ! ! ! it's make me crazy !
I don't changed anything from physical installation . . . i have only exclude the module and include it again and i made the video to expose you how i have include and calibrate it through parameter option and synchronisation . . .
Then my video is done . . . i make some test, goes up/down and middle in order to make a video of the problem but it don't appeared yet ! ! !
I don't why and what i make wrong the previous time i do those actions . . .
thanks for all.
And good job from zipato team !
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