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ARM alarm when noone present

Max Stephan shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer


I want to automatically arm the alarm when all persons left the house, but cant get it to work. I've defined some virtul switches for every habitant for presence detection based on wifi connection of their mobiles, this part seems to work fine. Furthermore i've created a rule to set alarm mode to ARM-AWAY in case all of these are inactive, but i'm getting an error message in the alarm, kind of showing the rule is not authenticated to turn on the alarm.

What do I need to change to make this work ?




Replies (6)


Solved it myself - Had to enable "Quick arm" for the alarm partition, now it is working fine.


Can you tell me how did you link the virtual switch with the corresponding person?


I am also very interested how you configured the presence detection based on wifi connection. The wifi connection is made to a router, so how do you get the information to the Zipabox?


sorry, i wasnt notified about your questions. In fact i'm not using this anymore as it is not as reliable as i'd like it to be. Basically i was pinging the mobile phones of the users once a minute from some Raspberry and updated a virtual switch using curl. if they are there the corresponding person is there as well, as (at least here) none of us leaves without this phone. This worked fine for android devices, but i was not able to get it to work reliable for iOS devices as these go into sleep after a while. There are some hints on other forums about pinging a specific port to wake them up, but this doesnt work either.

Something similar as I did it can be found here, unfortunately in german:


Actually I found a working solution. Search the forum for Tasker and you find it.


Sorry, not for IOS.


Try ifttt for ios. And use the maker channel to set a virtual meter in zipato. Works for all types of things. I use it for amazon echo integration too.


agree adrian

The tasker solution should work with Ifttt aswell, just to use a virtual device (one per person in house) and update them from IFTTT based on location or wifi (or other things depending on what you have)

Then make a rule in zipabox arming if all virtual devices are out of house and make it disarme when any of the devices are in house

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