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SmartHome dashboard solutions?

Erokani shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Hi all,

I've been new to Zibato few weeks ago, but it well answered my first need: automating my very old non connected home alarm.

Now I want to move to next step: making my home **smart**! :-)

I had already few IoT items (weather station, IP cam, ...) and I've been quite disappointed with the complexity to integrate them in Zipato.

It even came to a dead-end when I started to wonder about a home automation dashboard to have convenient & design monitoring+control of all this. I just couldn't agree with Zipato proposal...

So, digging around in the web, I could identify few options to explore (,, ...) but this still needs a bunch of time investment.

Before running into this (I think I'll try freeboard first), I'd like to get the Zipato community a feedback on the solutions you explored and implemented, as I guess I'm not the only one with that need.

Thanks in advance for your sharing



Replies (9)


If you use Android I´d suggest to have a look at Imperihome. I´m content with Zipato Dashboard in general but for a quick overview imperihome is really nice. The full version is about five bucks what sounds reasonable if you use it regularly.


Thanks. Indeed I missed to precise that I'm on iOS.


This sounds like a bot, not very impressed!


Imperihome is in IOS too now.


But not the best app!


Jacob, could you please advise then, if you know better options?



All PRO stuff, knx and so on!



Even Zipato is better in My opinion!


Thanks Jacob.

Based on what I could understand from your feedback, I think I need to clarify my request: in short, I'd like to put a tablet on the wall which would let me display & control all my home IoT. This would be a kind of front-end to zipato (& eventually others).

From what I could see from imperihome, this is the kind of function I'm looking for (despite interface is not so modern...)

Neeo is another server + centralized remote. This does not seem answering my question (may-be I missed something?).

I could not find what you mentioned as "All PRO stuff, knx and so on" & "B&O UI".

Zipato being not compatible with HomeKit, I could not understand the point.

Could you please elaborate?

Thanks in advance



Unless your home is designed for a wired automation protocol I would suggest you to stay away from KNX. Indeed you can find more "premium" user interfaces with brands like JUNG but your cost of integration will go up to the sky, these devices are VERY expensive and you need the preparation at home to run a comm cable trough all the devices, and also 24v power supplies to feed all the network. Not to mention that the compatibility with other protocols is limited. That is actually why I chose zipato, is the only controller that can integrate so many different automation protocols (the other option is Homeseer but it doesn't support KNX). Another downside of KNX is the cost of the licences to add more than 5 devices. I share Jacob's opinion, Zipato is way more flexible for programming and for integrating different protocols, Zipatile looks pretty good, the only downside of Zipato (Which is pretty important) is reliability, they're getting closer though... slow, but closer.


Imperihome is quite customisable check this out for a brief intro.

Also you can always try deisgning your own via Irule or similar. But you will need to use the api, it is not plug and play with any other software builder yet.

I just asked Irule and they say they would develop a module if someone sends them a box to play with. I'll ask simple control(roomie) if they can do similar.


Hello, I asked a similar question months ago. This is akey item for the future of the Zipato solutions.

I agree zipato is very complex to integrate things and this makes things difficult for people that are not "geek", And there applications need to many clicks before you can actually do an action.

On the other side, the application provides a lot of capabilities if you want to go deep into configuration.

Still, I agree we are missinga real easy-to-use dashboard.

I am using Imperihome for some time now.


Hi Erokani,

I am looking at a similar app(dashboard), the zipato app is not very user friendly (way to many clicks to perform simple things) if you want a tablet on the wall.

I have found some guys on the web which have made a dashboad with, but for the smarThings system. This might be possible with zipato as well, but I do not have the coding knowledge to test this. If anybody know or have tried please let me know.


I'm using Imperihome with an additional, more modern iconset, which I found in the web. From my point of view it fits for my requirements to inform about the status of several sensors and give me the possibility to trigger scenes and my Sonos-speakers at a glance.


Do you have a link of image of your dashboard/icons?



I would be interested as well!

On which OS are you?


Take a look at You will find several Icon-Sets.

My OS is Android - cheaper tablets ;-).


Thanks Willi!

I think you have to use Android since the Imperihome app does not have the same options and functionality on iOS.

I have started making my own custom dashboard with some of these icons as well as some I made my self, in Imperihome. I think I getting close to what I originally wanted, so for now I think Imperihome is the best and easiest solution.


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