How Many Coffee Samples Should Be on a Tray?

jeanswash shared this idea 47 days ago
Under Consideration

The number of coffee samples on a tray depends largely on the purpose of the tasting and the capacity of the tray itself. Typically, a coffee sample tray is designed to hold between 6 to 12 samples, providing a balanced range for comparison without overwhelming the taster. This range allows for a thorough evaluation of different beans while ensuring that each sample can be assessed adequately.

At Coffee Pro Direct, we offer a variety of coffee sample trays that cater to different tasting needs. For a focused and detailed tasting session, having 6 to 8 samples is ideal as it allows for a detailed comparison without sensory fatigue. On the other hand, if the goal is to explore a broader range of options, a tray accommodating up to 12 samples can be beneficial.

The key is to ensure that the number of samples does not compromise the quality of the evaluation. Each sample should be sufficiently spaced to avoid cross-contamination of aromas and flavors. Coffee Pro Direct coffee sample trays are designed to support these needs, providing an optimal solution for organized and efficient coffee tastings.

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