Variable values after power failure and restart

HB shared this question 11 years ago

If I have Rules with variables, what happens with the values if power failure and ZipaBox is restarted?

I think everything is gone???

Or is the states of devices and variables stored somehow?

would be very good if I can have variables that remember their values even after a restart due to power down.

It could be counters for number of times things happen or last date/time something happened?

Then I don't want everything cleared during power failure or other restarts of zipaBox.

Is it possible to have that kind of variables in ZipaBox?

Also similar question:

Is my Rules stored offline in ZipaBox?

They must be, or are they loaded from server when ZipaBox is restarted?


Virtual devices...

Are they cleared after a restart? Could be very good if they remember their state on disk!

YES I know the battery module to ZipaBox!!! (Solves some parts of this)

But as I understand, to use ZipaBox Battery Module we need a firmware version in ZipaBox that not is released...

Replies (2)


1. state of variables is variable. Currently, storing of their states is not allowed but we will consider this option in the future.

2. rules are stored offline and are available for usage even without Internet connection. Also, they are not deleted after power loss.

3. state of the virtual devices is cleared after the power loss, but same as for the variables, we will consider adding option to permanently store their states in the future


Thanks for a perfectly good and fast answer!

For a product ZipaBox, it would give it a very good robustness if it could cope with a power outage and continue from where it was afterwards.

Remembering variables values ​​and virtual entities state and everything else.

When you think about it is not so much that needs to be saved in order to cope with this. and entirely possible. That said it would give ZipaBox a unique robustness.

With this functionality, you need to also add an important difference between restart and reset.

You need a way to clear everything and start from a known clean state.

for example via a RESET after power on.

Power ON / OFF in this case would not affect functionen but just restart where it left off. Which would give ZipaBox a very nice and useful robustness.

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