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Thomson users - No more access

Andre shared this problem 5 years ago

Hi zipato team

Since this morning I can't access to my system.

Dashboard answer "user not found or wrong password". I opened a ticket.

Can you help me.

Many thanks

Best Answer

Dear Thomson customers,

once again we have to inform you that your are Thomson customers and not Zipato customers. Thomson was the brand built by another company which was using our technology, but they don't cooperate with us anymore so the service is terminated as no one is paying for it's maintenance.

We are also surprised by this termination of our cooperation, so we don't have any migration option ready nor we got any request from our ex-customer.

For now, I can only suggest you to wait for our new Zipato v3 release in which you will be able to create a new System in which you can include Thomson box as Slave controller and all it's devices will be part of that System. But the Master controller of that System can only be some Zipato controller (Zipatile or Zipabox2).

If we will have any other suggestion we will keep you informed.

Replies (14)


Do other people have the same problem?
Thanks to share


Yes me since yesterday noon


idem, since this morning


Yes I Have also the Trouble!!!!! And When I reset my Password, it also doesn't WORK!!!! and I can't turn my Lights on!!!!!!!!!!!


Please Zipato, fix this issue quickly !


Same problem today. What happened?


Waiting Zipato fix but no answer from them


Hi please resolve the problem, its so cold . I cant't use my Zipato box!!!!!

No account, nothing working!!!!



We apologize for the inconvenience.

The reason you can not login is due to the server on which you registered - - being offline.

That server is not managed nor owned by Zipato. You will need to contact the party that owns that server.

If you own a Zipato controller we will find a solution.

Our CEO will post more details later.

Zipato Team


So why we are connecting via your server, everything was OK for the last 2 weeks!

The Thombox was made by Zipato, there is no difference between the two boxes!


Hi Mario

Go to and you can read thse for users of thombox

Afin d'assurer la continuité du service, nous vous invitons à utiliser le service Zipato

- Vous gardez les mêmes fonctionnalités : scénario, …

•Vous gardez le même nom d’utilisateur et le même mot de passe

I think there is a problem between Zipato and Avidsen Thomson.


Please note!

We don't have any issues with Zipato servers or Zipato controllers. Whoever has any issue with the Zipabox or Zipato system, please open the support ticket and we will deal with it. However, who has Thomson box, please contact your supplier as we don't sell nor provide the service to Thomson boxes.


Hi Sebastian

I own a thombox and I have already contacted supplier of thombox (Avidsen). Avidsen has confirmed to the owners of Thombox that they can connect to without any difficulty. This is confirmed on their website.

Their server "" is offline since several days and we had access to without problem. The problem of "login" appeared only this morning, well after the server shutdown.

So I do not understand why Zipato does not solve the problem with Thomson Avidsen.


Hi Andre,

I am sorry that you have this problem, but Thomson has terminated their service and no one is maintaining their system anymore. Probably the system got suck now and that caused the problem which you are experiencing.

I hope you understand that this is not our service and we won't maintain it. If Avidsen told you to migrate to our system, please contact them and ask them how to do it.


I can't believe it. There is no support from avidsen and no support from zipato.


Dear Zipato Team,

Please Support Thomson Box Users here in this case also from your site. We all bought your components and we are all happy users of your Zipato system. Please don't leave us now as it seems to be an easy topic to migrate thomson users to your system. It worked perfectly two days ago.

Please find a sollution and keep us updated.


Please, let us migrate to a zipato system. We have zipato components and we need your help to be able to use your system.

Thank you very much


Yes , please, I am also a thombox user. Thank you for allowing migration because nothing works


I am also a THOMSONBOX user.

And no connection !! No Alarm.....

I contacted by email the HotLine Thomson avidsen, here is the answer "Thanks for coming back, it looks like we have some server authentication issues, our developers are working to fix the problem and will come back to you as soon as it's resolved."

I do not know how the situation will unfold, but I'm absolutely certain that, if it does not work very quickly, I will never buy Zipato products or Avidsen-Thomson products. NEVER


Merci Jean Claude pour cette information.

Je partage avec toi que ces produits sont à proscrire pour le futur. Mais nous avons investi dans une box et des périphériques onéreux et nous sommes en droit d'attendre un service irréprochable en retour. Malheureusement nous subissons sans cesse des pannes de tous ordres. Zipato et Avidsen sont responsables de cette situation catastrophique.


d'autant plus qu'à la base la thombox est une zipato box fabriquée pour Thomson/advisen, donc aucun problème pour zipato pour l'intégrer, si on regarde de près il ny a que la marque qui change. Bref moi j'ai investi près de 2500 euros pour rien...


Moi aussi, j'ai pu me connecter jusqu'à hier matin.

Pour la suite, je suis d'accord: on devrait tous se grouper afin d'envisager

un recours si la connexion n'est pas rétablie rapidement.


La solution rapide de re-fonctionnement m'intéresse plus que le recours en justice mais quand il ne restera plus que ça, je serai là.


Idem, quelle idée j'ai eu d'être dépendant d'un site hébergé on ne sait où au lieu d'avoir mon propre serveur.

Thomson nous a lâché comme des merdes, merci le service après-vente !


Dear Thomson customers,

once again we have to inform you that your are Thomson customers and not Zipato customers. Thomson was the brand built by another company which was using our technology, but they don't cooperate with us anymore so the service is terminated as no one is paying for it's maintenance.

We are also surprised by this termination of our cooperation, so we don't have any migration option ready nor we got any request from our ex-customer.

For now, I can only suggest you to wait for our new Zipato v3 release in which you will be able to create a new System in which you can include Thomson box as Slave controller and all it's devices will be part of that System. But the Master controller of that System can only be some Zipato controller (Zipatile or Zipabox2).

If we will have any other suggestion we will keep you informed.

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