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V3 - Alexa Integration Virtual Controller

Rico K. shared this idea 5 years ago
In Progress


i wanna control my virtual switches with Alexa, but i cant generate a Token under for my virtual Controller and so Alexa has no connection to this. How can i get a paaring between Alexa and my virtal Devices?


Replies (3)


It's easy. After you generate a new Virtual Switch you say to Alexa it should search for new devices. After that you can use this devices in Routines.


Yes so was it in V2. Since Migration to V3 i have trouble to switch on my virtuel Device and so i cleaned all Alexa Devices and reactivated the Skill. After learning i see every Device from the Zipabox, but no Device from the virtual Server. On the Site i can see two Controllers and only one Token. In my Opinion has Alexa no Rights to control the virtual Controller.


Sorry I didn't read the subject. You have to wait until zipato will release the new Alexa V3 Skill.


I have two Echo dots at different locations, at each place I have one Zipato controller. Do you know how to set the second Echo dot (Alexa) to find devices from the second controller? I see only devices from the first controller. Both controllers are registered under the same account


In V3 and my opinion, you have to set the 2nd dot with an additional Account. Then you must activate the Alexa Skill and connect it with the virtual Controller. So you should be able to use alll virtual Devices an this dot, but only the virtual Devices and only on this dot....

I will try this when i have time, because with a virtual Device, i can control a real Device, over a Rule.


The 2nd echo dot has its own amazon account. I installed the zipato skill and used zipato account that is same for both zipato controllers. But I see only devices from 1st zipato, and I would like to see devices from 2nd zipato.

I found on this forum page and there is one token for my 1st zipsto (see picture). I guess there could be somehow allowed other token for the 2nd zipato


I could not try this, but i would do revoke and then new connection but choose the other controller. I dont know about, its only a test i would try, but i have no time until 2020....

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