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Its there a way to know when a switch its triguer by a person or a programing from the system

Roger shared this question 4 years ago

Example i have a ligth switch program to turn on on diferent schedules but i want to be notify when its actually turn on by sombody

Replies (4)


Hi Roger.

If you are talking about a switch that communicate thru z-wave or zigbee so you actually see the switch state change in your system when you change the switch manually.....then I think I have an idea for you.

1. Create the rule and notification you like to have when the switch is manually changed.

2. Add an IF block to that rule so that the rule only run IF a variable is equal to zero. (example: Variable name: SWITCHNOTE = 0)

3. In your sheduled events for that switch, in those rules, add a SET VARIABLE "SWITCHNOTE = 1" right before your Switch action trigger......and after you Switch action trigger you add a WAIT BLOCK set to 1sec or 2sec.....and last add a SET VARIABLE "SWITCHNOTE = 0".

Goodluck! Let me know if you want me to show this with pictures instead.

// Henning


Hi Henning

I just try it so I was writing to let you know it work flawlessly

Thanks for the pointer



Hi Henning, thnaks for the reply. Its a Zwave Switch, i think i get it, but if you have a picture that will be great. I will test it ASAP and leave you a comment below

Thanks for the Help


Hi Roger. Here are my illustrated example:



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