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What is happening

Toni Falk shared this problem 9 years ago

What is happening ? I bought a zipabox duo that I got a new 433 MHz module to. The built in not worked. After that it has worked ok, but now what is happening? It started with some of my Origon temp sensor is not displayed values, the alarm stopped working completely, but now I can alert with RFID. Rule Creator is not working properly, I can not delete rules. It shows no values ​​after I saved. Nexa WMR 3500 I would install eight pieces for the weekend of 4 went well 4 pcs did not install so I got mad and threw them to hell. For each change in device manger so I have to reload the page for everything disappears. Getting tired of this now! I have 74 units, and they worked ok until about a week ago, do not think this is ok when I bought the box it said nothing about the beta version.

What should I do I'll throw crap around and feeling cheated by you or are you going to get in order to this, you have cost me a lot of money and time it feels like right now! You will get the information on your side when you make your changes, or have problems!

Could you be so kind and answer me!

Replies (4)


you really need to submit a ticket to support so they can help you. This is the only way they can look at your box and resolve the issue Remember to include your s/n too and firmware version in the ticket




I think everyone with version 8k have this problems.

And no answer, or official statement from Zipato until

people get really angry.

And some things can't break!


agreed. 8k is horrible thus far. I have sensors not displaying anything, so I went back a version


Adrian, which version did you roll back to? Which one seemed most stable for you?


8e I guess


Yesterday, I sent a ticket to the support!

Today also disappeared my alarm out device browcer! do not think this is ok. Alarms and fire alarms should be prioritized!


Yesterday, I sent a ticket to the support!

Today also disappeared my alarm out device browcer! do not think this is ok. Alarms and fire alarms should be prioritized!

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