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Cannot include Fibaro FGS-222 Double Relay Switch to the Zipabox

Jonas Green shared this question 9 years ago


I cannot include my new Fibaro FGS-222 (updated FGS-221) double switch to the network. I believe I have tried at least 50 times, having the circuits on/off, removed voltage and pushed B for 3 sec.... etc. etc. In fact I bought three identical switches, and the first one was included without problems (after three or four inclusion operations). The second one worked fine manually, but couldn't be added to the network. I thought it was broken, so I bought a replacement one. The third one act exactly the same way... It cannot be found by the Zipabox. Both the Zipabox and the two switches are in the same room, only approx 6-7 meters from each other. Could there be a distance issue? Please give me a hint of what to try next. Thanks in advance :-)

Firmware: 0.9.999.4

Replies (13)


Hello Jonas,

Few more things to check:

- try to change position of this device or Zipato controller try to bring them closer to each other.

- check if you have any obstacles (like Internet routers) that could interfere with the RF signal between Zipato controller and the device in question.

- try to add some other Z-wave devices if you have them to test Zwave on your Zipabox.

- go through user manual again


Here are some more tips :)

First reset the module >> Connect all cables >> Hold the B button >> plug in the power >> hold it for 3 sec.

>> Then power down the Zipabox (pull out the power cable) >> put it back >> wait for it to come back >> then include the module

>> If the modules fails >> try again. Also refresh the dashboard (or clear browser cache). Sometimes the sync is not working but the module is added.


Thanks, now it works! Since I went through all these steps before I tried to join the Fibaro device I am not sure what the problem was. But now it works fine! Thanks again :-)


I have the same problem, the FGS-222 is not possible to add to my Home center lite. I have tried every tip I've found multiple times:

powering down the device, pressing the B button for three seconds,

Clicking the B button three times fast, slow and in between, with the S1 switch off and on,

Resetting the home center,

Moving it closer (it is now four meters line of sight from home center to FGS-222)

Is the normal, or could the device be faulty? I have another one channel relay that I manage to include after some fifty attempts, but this one seems to resist. A wall plug has been added without problems.


I Had the Same Problem. After watching this video I got it working.

Set your zipabox into inclusion Mode and Chance Position of Switch No. 1 3 Times (fast) like in the video.


I am now trying to add three more FSG-222, and I have the same problems again. I have updated to latest beta firmware, made the 3s reset during power on, moved the zipabox close to the fibaro switch, etc.,but the includation is unsuccessful after numerous try-outs. What should I do next?


I have the same problem :( What to do?


I have the same problem :( What to do?


I think Fibaro have problems with fgs-222.

Friend of me cannot include 2 fgs whit razberry, and i have also test his device on my zipabox no luck to include. I have fgs-222 in my system so i know they works in zipabox.


Same problem


Try the "old version" interface, I have had problems joining devices when using the new interface.


I have the same problem. The first time I tried with the inclusione process, the Zipabox detected the switch but ended in a wrong way. The next times I tried restarting the Zipabox, resetting the Swith (B button for 3 seconds), but no way.

But, I have noticed that now, if I start again the process, connecting the L, N and IN to the Switch and checking the Load on Q1 and Q2 I see then Q2 is not loaded, instead Q1 is LOADED!!

This should not be because S1 and S2 are both OFF!.

I think that after the first inclusion started by Zipabox and ended wrong, the Switch has got an inconsistent state from which I can't or I don't know how to recover (no way with the reset).

What do you think?


Hi to all, finally I have solved the problem and I think it was just a matter of how fast pressing the B button 3 times (or switching the toggle 3 times). So, according to the Fibaro instructions, I did the following steps.

1. turned on the load on the switch and verified that the switch was in an initial status (Q1 and Q2 OFF)

2. resetted the device (pressing the B button for at least 3 seconds and then releasing it

3. then started the exlusion process (the countdown of 45 seconds)

4. after the countdown started, I had to press 3 times the B button VERY VERY FAST. This is IMPORTANT and this was what I missed all the previous times (I think hundreds). FAST measn 3 times in less then 1 seconds so, just press 3 times as fast as you can. The device was magically detected and excluded

5. after the inclusion process started, I did the same, pressed 3 time, as fast as I could, the B button, and the device got detected and included.

Keep you device near to the Zipabox (1 or 2 meters).

And you'll get your Fibaro Switch up & running.

Thanks a lot to Vedran and to all the Zipato developer stuff for their support!

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