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Perfect z-wave dimmer switch? Is there any?

Jacob Wiqvist shared this idea 9 years ago
Under Consideration

In the search for the perfect light control I have come to switches. The newly implemented Nexa WTE-2 switch does not work satisfying.

In a dream world, it would also fit Schneider Exxact series like the Nexa switch.


The perfect look and feel in my opinion is a switch that have 4, 6 or 8 buttons and a dimmer wheel in the middle. Something like this, but with 8 buttons:


Other then this I would like dimmer feedback with very subtle leeds that is configure in any color.

Then I would like to use the switches to control groups, or as sonos sound selector and the dimmer switch as volume control.

Imagen if you could use this kind of switch as:

control of a group of lights

control of sound volume

control of blinds

control of RGB lights one or in a group

The dimmer switch should of course have a quality encoder.

The dimmer should be both as a standard z-wave dimmer like Qubino or Fibaro with live wires(so you don't have to change batteries) or with the same design but wireless, to put where you want on the wall. And if you want to use it ass a RGB controller it should be possible threw Zipatos interface. Imagine 4 groups of Philips Hue or Zipato RGB bulbs. 4 button that control color, and 4 buttons that control brightens.

With 8 buttons and a twist dimmer controller, you could do a lot, If it is just fast enough!

And if you could take it away from the wall like the philips hue dimmer controller:

And the light switch could also have changeable symbols like Insteon.

This would make the perfect light switch or room controller. This switch could potentially control everything in a room.





And in the future I want sound and picture in every room 4k preferably but that is a hole other story.

This is my dream light switch

Replies (20)


I forgot one thing.

The switches should of course have led indication so you know what divice or groups you control with the dimmer. So you don't buy mistake pull upp the volume of our sound system.

The thing with getting this to be perfect is instant feedback, instant speed. Extremely important if you want to control sound.

I anyone know any z-wave switch that does some of the things please tell. Otherwise I have suggested Zipatos next big seller?

Backlit symbols like many new keyboards have is also a wish. An there could be a micro motion sensor that light the keys so the wife not get upset, with shining things in the apartment in the night, only when you touch the keys. My ideas are free of charge.

I should really work as a designer or engineer.


I have bin a pain in the butt for Zipato about them implementing the Nexa WTE-2 switch because it is the only 4 button switch that fits Schnider Exxact series light switch. But it does not work satisfying so I hope zipato or some user can recommend something that fits or are extremely beautiful.

The best switch att this moment is the Philips Hue Dimmer Switch. But it is USA standard size so it is not perfect for europe and I can't implement it with zipabox.

Pleas help.


Have a look at the Schneider connect series


All good ideas, but if I was to have a switch with that many controls I would rather just have a wall mounted tablet. It can do so much more than a switch too. And you can edit it to look however and do whatever you want. Use irule remote or something similar if need be. As for control of devices, you can already do this through the rule creator. Use a dimmer switch connected to a dimmer module but connected to nothing else. Then you use this variable to adjust the volume on the sonos speaker.

I agree though that a more universal and adaptable switch would be nice, but they then become for programmable computer oriented switches like a KNX switch. I know the Enocean switches are all ugly, but they have some great options available for them through rules and are battery operated also. I haven't tried the Nodon z-wave switch, but if they can be operated like the Zipato 4 button fob remote, it should open up a world of possibilities.

I still like a clean simple switch like the one here for normal control.

My ultimate dream is no switches, only a couple of wall tablets, and motion and voice activation for everything. Why should I need a wall switch? Everything should happen automatically, or via my watch, or phone, or a simple voice command if necessary. A handheld tablet for media control is all I need.



I agree with Adrian here. I would say that a wall mounted tablet and a physical switch (as a fall back) would to most of what I currently want, also add in motion activated and voice activated and this will do every thing I can think of.

Wall mounted tablet -

In wall dimmer -

motion detector -

Touch panel - I am waiting for these to become available -

Plus I really want voice control via the Amazon Echo, but again this is not available in the UK yet.

May also consider but with all the above will probably not bother as can just use the tablet when I want to get fancy.


Hey Scott and Adrian!

I actually have 2 Qubino dimmers and one multisensor 6, 3 WTE-2 Nexa switches. Love the Qubino dimmers, that they have 3 inputs. But the fibaro dimmer 2 is better IMO.

The thing is that you want your wife to be able to control your home. At the moment she have never touched the Zipato App even if I have showed her many times. If it is not simple she will not use it. Perfect test for interface;-)

And "ONE BUTTON" solution with out adding 100 buttons on the wall. She loves my Harmony Remote.

One or two switches of my suggested switch in every room makes you do anything. Any one with out any effort or former expertness of your system. Talking about multi room system. And if you get LED feedback what scene that is on or what group of lights the dimmer control.

This is how the dream switch could look like:




And of course you should be abel to change the buttons with the symbol you like.

This is only suggestions to my dream switch, and nothing that exists..


And of course you should be abel to change the buttons with the symbol you like.

This is only suggestions to my dream switch, and nothing that exists..


I like it. Would cost a fortune for the inwall modules you would need installed behind it. Unless you expect that switch to be zwave itself. That would be a very powerful and expensive switch. Basically a raspberry pi. If fact, if you could buy a raspberry pi with LCD screen, you could have this, design your own custom screen and there you go. I just gave myself an idea.

Can I ask, and I understand about the wife thing, mine is the same, why a wall tablet does not suit? My wife can use the wall tablet as it has Imperihome set up to turn on if you walk infront of it. I also use the 7.0 Samsung tab4 so it has the physical button on the front to activate the tablet if need be. This is used for scene control, alarms, av media, and cameras. Also voice if spoken loudly.

But all the lights run off sensors. We hardly ever use the physical switches. Sonos is through the app or macronos shortcuts or with Tasker, av is single scene operation for on and off and we use the phones or tablet for netflix and Kodi control, everything else is managed through rules in Zipabox or shortcuts on the phone through Tasker. This way I have whatever I need access to imediately as I always have my phone or tablet nearby. A simple pull out menu, called swapps, has all the shortcuts i need and the rest can be voice controlled. I still have a z-wave remote but honestly don't use.

I can see the value in a simple control switch like this for a main interface somewhere incase you tablet does not work. Always good to have a physical backup option.


I always have my phone in my hand except when charging. I don't have motor controlled blinds in more then one room. Unfortunately she hates automation, ea. "why does not the light turn of when I push the button" she say. I try to tell hear that the motion sensor is activated. I tried to compromise but without luck. So at the moment the motion sensor only keep the light on in the hall way when someone is there an and you recently opend the front door.

I just discovered Kodi and got it working with zipabox and Kodi remote App. I absolutely love it and was very proud when I got it to work. The wife 2.0 hated it and asked why the lights should turn on and off when play and pause. So I had to create a virtual switch so I could turn off the automatic mode. Now I am considering the S2 input on every dimmer to be a ON/OFF for auto in every room.

The speed of Kodi is also amazing. I have it running "SCENES" when pause and play.

But it would be good if it could be the other way around, if input from hardware could control Kodi. Then my dream system is not that far away.

The biggest problem at the moment for me is that I don't have working hardware switches.

The step switch rule does not work as it should. Zipabox does not react every time I push S2 on the Qubino dimmer. The scenes (double tap) on Fibaro dimmer 2 work 1 out of 10 times. The Nexa WTHE-2 inputs works sometime and sometimes not a little depending on how you press the switch.

So the biggest problem at the moment is that no hardware switch I'm my setup work good. I have looked at Schneider connect but they are to expensive IMO. 1400 euro for one light switch is crazy.

My idea with this switch is that it should have every thing wireless:

Z-wave, Zigbee, 433 MhZ, Blutooth and maybe IR.

A separate software on every platform: Windows, Mac, Android and iOS

You sync settings to the the switch with bluetooth or micro usb cable. You can also charge the switch with micro usb.

So in a way you could use this switch as wireless keyboard, keypad for your phone or computer.

Imagen that you/(or the young people) don't have a home automation system, and the only thing you have is a Air playable speaker and a phone. You put this on the wall you can remove it from the wall any time because it is magnetic like the Philips Dimmer switch. Then al of a sudden you/they have some home automation. Endless possibilities.

Imagen that you can control every button to do what ever you want. One is sending z-wave command, one is sending 433 MhZ to a Nexa switch, one is sending bluetooth commandos to your computer.

And if you play music the LED for that button will have another color. And al colors changeable.

A switch/ keypad for every one it will sell like butter in the sun.

And butefull design, that everyone did not know they wanted until they had it. i know I am dreaming away but the only thing I know is that this is not impossible.

2 designs one with main connection and dimmer, and one wireless to put where you want. And of course the wireless could be wired with a white micro USB cable so it is always powered.

And price fore the masses: 20-30 euro.

Then this would be the switch everyone would have.

I know crazy idea but dreaming is allowed.


The thing with this kind of switch is that the software is simple as pie, and that is not Zipatos strongest side.

But I could imagine my sister buying CoTec ON/OFF wall plugs and controlling a lot of wall plugs and her TV.

And that is all. Not expensive but extremely handy. And If you have a app in your phone you for the switch you all of a sudden have a home automation system with one wall switch.

I am getting more crazy he he.


And by the way I am not a fan of touch panels..... to title feedback. ;-)


My dream is coming closer. Sad that it is not eu version. But I would realy like a zwave dimmer with twisting knob!


Orderd it already but I don't think it will be as functional as Zipabox!


Did you find anything?

I have multiple different installations none of them working perfectly. So far the closest match is the Remotec 8 button z-wave scene master controller. But it lacks the wheel and the buttons are "too heavy" too push compared to some of the lightwave panels.


Still searching!


Well, if Zipato would have time to integrate the Easybulb (Lixf, Milight| technology, than your dream might come nearly true. Look at these. I just starting selling them locally.

there are 3 versions, one is battery operatore remote controller for 4 zones (B series), T series is the same but with 230V supply into the remote controller (fits round box).

The P series is a 12-24V led strip controller.

What do you think? I have some P at stock and just planning to give it to my student to do testing with it.


not easy, milight or limitless use there own zigbee pro protocol.


Looks like there is a new kid on the block. Check out this:


not really much help, they are not z-wave or zigbee, just a push button wifi switch. How much are they?

If you want z-wave touch switch, check out these new z-wave ones

Yes they can be changed from toggle to momentary, just think of the possibilities they have. Make a 4 gang on off switch into 4 gang dimmer with the addition of 4 dimmer modules, or add motor modules. It may increase the price, but reduces the costs of buying new switches later. This adds so much functionality.

Hopefully available by May this year and will be fully compatible with Zipato and Fibaro off the shelf


Hi Adrian, interesting? To be honest i thought that they are Zwave as on Amazon they are sold as Zwave even confirming that they are compatible with Fibaro for example.

They are expensive though.

perhaps their IP protocol has API and this is already part of a plugin in Fibaro.


I think what they mean by works with fibaro controller is a fibaro z-wave relay. Not z-wave themselves. Could be wrong. Worth contacting them and asking. But a cool looking switch with some interesting features


They kinda look a bit like the Livolo switches I use. But those are 433MHz, so no 2 way communication.

I would love to buy a few of those, but it seems they require a neutral wire :-(, or at least that is what they are trying to say in their FAQ? :-)

Unfortunately in the UK they put cable directly into the wall, so if no neutral, then you are S*****D. Unless you want to open all your walls and put new cable in....... annoying...

CoolTouch light switch can replace the existing light switch or not?

Depending on the light switch The power switch CoolTouch measures 3x3 inches, according to European standards. The different sizes of the light switches are in use today, which measures 2x4 inches, which would have changed the block will need to bury cement mortar store. The power cord is Use the wiring system at all. But be sure to have wireless N (Neutral) with a light switch.

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