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ZipaTile termostat versus boiler Junkers

Kamil shared this idea 7 years ago
Under Consideration

Hello Zipato

After my experience with the ZipaTile product versus boiler Junkers:

The ZipaTile uses standard relays for dry outputs, which can not be used for europen boilers, as these boilers are using revers logic to switch ON/OFF

I would like to provide a suggestion for better compatibility with the most, if not all, european boilers.

As I was informed by a Representative of Junkers in Austria, europen's boilers use reverse logic for switching ON/OFF heating as a safety solution to avoid freezing, if the central termostat gets out of service.

In this case the boiler starts heating himself in the factory time intervals without using any external termostat.

If ZipaTile will not use revers relay for one of the two dry outup instead of the standard relays for both, the termostat functionality of common used boilers is not provided and this ZipaTile feature becomes useless.

This is so pity becase ZipaTile is really timeless product, covers a great part of standard life areas and can have long future.

Replies (11)


what is a reverse dry logic? i have a Buderus boiler and I turn it on through Qubino relays when i connect pin 1 and 2, not when i release the connection



I am a installer of boilers and heat pumps. The input on the junkers boiler you are talking about is the frost thermostat that input works reversed to the central thermostat input on the boiler. But you don't normally use that input because the boiler will go on at 100% if you break the connection of the frost input. Normally u use the on/off thermostat input or the opentherm input on a boiler. The on/off input can be controls via zipatile relay output.

The buderus of Martin is how you need to connect it. All the European boilers work this way

With kind regards



Hello Marius

I very appreciating interest a man who is working with the equipment like the boilers are, because I am not installer/plumber and I have been referred to help provided by people who is working with that.

Yes it is the frost thermostat as you mentiond but as I was informed by Junkers it is commonn used.

The Junkers boiler use electric logic LSM5 with the external thermostat TR200.

Please could you be so kind and help me solved this issue as you mentiond "Normally u use the on/off thermostat input or the opentherm input on a boiler."

Where I should interconect the cables on the boiler side (electric logic LSM5) which I will use for one of two dry outpus on the ZipaTile instead TR200. See attached pictures of existing devices maybe it can help.

Many many Thanks to yours interest in this case.



I read the manual. And indeed on the junkers you can only connect a junkers thermostat. There is no on/off or opentherm connection. I have never seen this before here in the nederlands the junkers are called Bosch and the have a opentherm interface installed. So i think it's not possible to connect it to the zipatile like a thermostat . The only way u can use it is to connect the r f connection on the thermostat to the zipatile when u make a connection between r and f it goes to low temperature setting and when you break it it resumes the program. U only need to reverse the function of the zipatile relay via a rule



In Austria it is Junkers Bosch and as I mentioned it is so pity that the ZipaTile does not suport middle europe standart boilers via virtual thermostat.

what do you mean with "r f connection"?

honestly I dont know how to reverse the function of the zipatile relay via a rule:-(

could someone help?



On the existing thermostat base there is a connection r and f next to 1246 if you make a connection between r and f it sets the thermostat to a pre programmed setpoint.


With regards to the rule I made a screen shot of how it is done. Make a virtual switch i called it R And F in the screen shot. Put it in the virtual thermostat pro heating output and make the rule to reverse the relay.



Just for clarification. Do you mean that I should interconnect the ZipaTile's dry output to R and F connectors on the existing Junkers TR200 thermostat base?

R and F connectors are used for interconnection of external thermal sensor.


Hello Marius

I created the Rule please could you check if it is what do you mean


Hello Marius

I am trying the connection when ZipaTile's second dry output is interconnected to R and F connectors but it does not work

and in the manual I see the mentioned remote control connection need 5V DC. That can be why it does not work.

I am going to try to use the virtual switch to the second dry output (relay2).

I will see if it will works



Problem solved!

The workaround of the reverse logic of the physical relay is create virtual switch .

Use the virtual switch to the virtual thermostat output instead physical Relays 1 or 2 and created the rule. See the attachements.

Thanks a lot to Marius de Jong to his interest to help and his idea using of virtual switch.

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