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New services : Payable virtual alarms and thermostats?

Stillwatter shared this question 7 years ago

Do I understand that I have to pay to install a new thermostat or virtual alarm despite my pro license?


Replies (7)


If you made PRO upgrade before, you already have Pro alarm and Pro thermostat so you don't have to pay additionally.


Hi Sebastian.vcan you confirm if someone will buy pro licence, he only receives 1pc virtual thermostat PRO? This is what is suggesting the site. So if someone wants 4 zone heating system in pro version it will cost more than 1x pro (4x 29)?


PRO bundle is just a bundle of multiple apps and features. Once you but them, they are yours. You can see what's included in the product if you click on "Learn more" under the name of that product. Currently PRO bundle includes 1x Thermostat, 1x Security alarm and other...). Later we will add some other bundles like Thermostat bundle with 5 thermostats which will be discounted in comparison with buying 5 thermostats separately.


Many thanks Sebastian. It would be great if you can show the actual functioning of the Virtual Thermostat in your Youtube channel.



For users who have buy the pro licence before this new calcul of pricing, what append?


Nothing happens. If you bought something before, you will continue to have it.


Well. I have to admit, i dont like the approach of the 1x PRO thermostat. I accept that for mutlizone water heated underfloor heating customers before had to pay PRO, but now this will be more expensive.


Sebastian. I need to call you tomorrow. I'm just working on an enquiry and just realized that due to this change if customer would have 13pc of MCO thermostats via UFH and one gas heater, I would need to purchase 13x Virtual thermostat PRO. We definitely need to agree on some better scenarios for system integrators. It is not acceptable for me. Now I cannot send quotation.


Attila, if you have physical thermostats already, than you don't need Virtual thermostats PRO. If you want to control MCO thermostats, you can use Thermostat zones (ex virtual thermostats) which will allow to control, schedule and group various physical thermostats.

So you only need Virtual thermostats in case when you don't want to buy physical thermostat for Euro 150, and you want to use Virtual thermostat for Euro 29 with some actuator for controlling heating or cooling.


Sebastian. It is not that. If you have any thermostat in a water underfloor heating system, or if you have radiators with any type zwave valve. The problem is that if you have gas heater or other source where tge supply is dependent on switching on a mixing pump that pushes water into the system from the heat source, you are forced to use PRO thermostat as the rule creator does not have the thermostat output (regardless if it is wall thermostat or radiator valve) as an endpoint. If this can somehow overcome, than i dont care.


Basically I have MCO thermostats at home (but this can be any other thermostat or radiator valve). The source of heat is the heatpump via a water pump (but this can be a gas heater controlled by a boiler switch as well, it does not matter).

I have the below rule which ensures that if anywhere a virtual thermostat (or the MCO thermostat or radiator valve included in the thermostat zone) requires heat, it turns on the pump (or gas heater), otherwise the pump is off.

If you can show me which endpoint to be used (whether thermostat zone or the MCO thermostat (or in radiator installations) in order to make this rule work (without the need to add a virtual switch as output into the virtual thermostat), than fine.

All this situation applies, where all devices are thermostatic devices (for example 4pc radiator valves and 1pc boiler actuator).



Did you try with Thermostat zone (ex Virtual thermostat not PRO)?


The problem is that the endpoint of the thermostatic device is not listed in the rule creator, hence cannot make the rule other than inserting a virtual switch as a secondary switch and then using this virtual switch in rule.

I previsouly also tried to use the virtual thermostat inserting into rule as state, but this did not work.


Thermostat Zone is having same endpoints like a Virtual thermostat PRO. You should see them in Rule Creator. You can create as many thermostat zones as you like, free of charge.


Should I raise a ticket Sebastian? I have created a rule to test the above and it does not seem to work. I have inserted each virtual thermostat and have tried various attributes but not help.



Hello, if you are making rules listening thermostat zone changes, you should use values from select menu under ATTRIBUTE EVENTS, not actions events (as selected on your image above).

For example: Using thermostat zone with input devices also triggers attribute change events. Actions events are used for other purpose. Please test suggested changes on your rule.



Hi Mirjana. Many thanks for the provided feedback. This is exactly why I tried to ask why it does not work as all is selected from the top part attribute, not action in the bottom part. So it is not selected as you thought but as you suggested...I have to admit thanks god I have a certain degree of knowledge now after 3 years (nowhere near Vedran Brundic though :) )



Holy hell. Zipato is now getting ridiculous. One pro licence used to give you unlimited alarms and thermostats, now they only want to give you ONE of each. And charge 30 Euro for every additional one. I can understand if you DONT have a Pro licence and want to buy separately.

Just when we though Zipato were going to be more reasonable and allow purchase of either pro licence or purchase of individual product licences, they do this. Why would you charge for additional thermostats to a pro licence holder?, this is downright disrespectful and shows a total disregard for your Zipato supporters. This is not a Control4/Crestron level system, far from it, yet you want to charge like them.

I'm blown away.


Oh, here you are with your ridiculous comments again:-)


Sebastian. As stated in other topic. Me and also Adrian (and a couple of others) are PRO users long time with your team providing countless support for lots of users that have saved you a ton of money already - and it will as we continue to provide support...

Would it be possible to keep us a little more in the picture and ask us more in advance on ideas or suggestions before you make a final decision internally and shoot it off to everyone. Im pretty sure this could be possible. I dont know how much business does Adrian's company make you and how much valuable this is, but I can understand him. I understand it as well, that things can be spoken in many different ways and lately Adrians are more provocative, but do you truly wonder why this is? This is a cause and effect sample and not the first one. Is he (and his company) valuable for you as a customer at all?

I fully understand that you need to generate more income, I have no problem with this.


Hi Adrian. I understand your flustration, and unfortunately I dont know you in person. You are a great person and we are pleased to have you on board (me, David and Alberto for sure).

Please try to comment on things a bit more thought through. I dont know how to say this to be more neutral.


No pb, Atilla.Right now, we are changing slightly the architecture. It's a big process which we were preparing for almost a year. This will simplify usage and maintenance of the system, as well as the licensing model. I will write an announcement about that soon. This will last for the next couple of days at least.

As for the future licensing, all premium options will apply to a System (ex. cluster). All users will have a System by default, but they will be able to add only a single controller/server into that system until they purchase Multi-server option. Once they do it, they will be able to add multiple controllers/servers to that System (cluster) without paying additionally per each controller. This is the major change.

Additionally, all other premium options will apply to System so they will be valid for all devices connected to any of controller/server within that particular System.

There wont be PRO upgrade any more, but we will have various premium packages which will have multiple options included so they will have good value for money for bigger users.

Virtual thermostat has became Thermostat zone as it can only manage physical thermostats (for example danfoss valves). So you can include any supported thermostat into Thermostat zone and you get scheduler, set points etc..

Virtual thermostat PRO will stay as it is, real virtual thermostat for replacing the physical ones. Since physical ones are very expensive, Virtual one for Euro 29 should be a bargain.

Backup service will last for one year and the price is Euro 29. We do backup of complete System including all controllers (zwave chips, local and cloud storage) and we store the snapshoot in the cloud. After one year, you either extend the service or lose the backup in the cloud.

All users which were previously both the PRO upgrade, they will continue to have all options which they have at the moment.

That's more or less it. As said, we are now in the middle of migration so we will provide more info once this is done.


Hi Sebastian. Many thanks for the provided information. Is the dealer portal active - working? Perhaps things that you might want to discuss / debate with integrators and other valuable external input person before releasing to wide public can be discussed via dealer portal. I have no idea how it works. Im unsure if at all, never tried/not sure if I can login.

I understand and see all your approach from above. Only question is whether the backup is sure to be a yearly fee? I understand that you dont want to have huge images saved into the cloud. Perhaps limiting the maximum age of a backup can also resolve this - so for example if someone purchase a backup feature - any backup will expire in 1 year. Or perhaps the maximum amount of backups. 1 backup image = 19 Euro, 3 backup images = 29 Euro. But this backup image slot stays once paid...Basically to enable the possiblity of having a backup image that will never expire once you paid for it...can this be considred? And if a new backup is created, it will owerwrite the old one.


Dealer portal is alive and working but it doesn't have any chat option at the moment. We are working hard on completely new which will have dealer options available for dealers anyway.

Regarding the Backup service, we see it as a service. It is very complex process to backup complete system and of course, we have to keep it on our server maintain backwards compatibilities and so on... So if user doesn't want to pay Euro 2.5 per month for such a service, I don't think this service has a value for that user at all. So why to bother.

Regarding prices of all options, I think they are very competitive as most of them are not available with our competitors and we have Zipamicro controller now which is Euro 89.- retail... Even when adding some premium options to it, still it is cheaper than many other Z-wave controllers.


Ok. Thanks for the explanation.


Hello, I am no Pro user. I have bought the Zipatile with the knowledge of the old price list. In my opinion it is not acceptable to change the system so dramtacally without a personnaly announcement and a transitional period

So please bring back the opportunity for existing customers to buy the old license.

Best regards


Sebastian My house now freezes, although I paid the license-pro and within 3 hours I can not do anything with my zipabox. If you take money that other controller manufacturers do not take - you should be better than others and be stable :) And now the situation resembles .. bought a car - it turned out bad, but it's lazy to change :)


Why do you write this to us? Did we install and configure your system? Why don’t you call you system integrator?


Dear Sebastian.

Here is almost 1 month that I reported by ticket and on the forum that there was a problem with Zipato MiniKeypad and beta firmware. Yet that did not prevent you from putting in production a faulty firmware. Today, because of recurring problems, your customers put on your back anything and everything ... At home, we have a proverb: we are not judged by what we are, but from what we do. And I say that while I'm really a fan of Zipato ... But sometimes I feel really abandoned by the support ...


Hello Mr. Popovic, the problem is first and foremost the dealing with the community.

Before you could buy a pro membership for 99 €. For this you got many features, even if you knew that not everything was perfect. This was no big deal because of the opportunity to help to improve the zipato system.

Now you buy for 29€ a software that has bugs. According to your support, this will probably be fixed in a later release.

A comparison: Would you buy a car that you know has a lot of money for a very expensive price.

A better way would have been to transparently display the price change in advance, e.g. when logging in the control center. Here you also could have filed reasons. Everyone would have had the opportunity to decide for themselves.

I hope you explain your reasons and bring back a pro bundle (also for more maybe) with all unlimited features.

Best regards


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