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Problems with scheduling in the rule creator

Hans shared this problem 4 years ago

Is completely new to this. It seems very simple but does not make my schedule work. Can anyone help me understand and do the right thing? See pictures!

Replies (1)


Hej Hans,

The "When" triggers the rule, i.e. you will only trigger this rule 1 hour after Sunset every day.

I recommend you to create one rule for each "activity", i.e. one rule to turn on the lights and another one to turn the lights off. I think it is a lot easier in that way. I know in the beginning, I was also trying to do "everything" in one rule but those rules tends to be difficult to maintain on future updates. The below rules is two examples that I'm using and not quite as you need them



Hello Dan! Thanks for the input, so I split "on" and "off" in each rule. But it did not help a bit. Nothing happens! Something I do wrong but the question is just what .........?


Do I understand your intention correct? And am I right that the wall plug is turning on some lights?

You wanna turn on the wall plug at 18:30 and shut it off 1 hour after sunset but latest 00:00?




When I read my previous post to understand what you wanna do I can now see it's a bit confusing and with you answering I was assuming your intention correctly it is even more confusing. Please write with your own words how you would like to control your wall plug and I will try to help you.


Jag kör detta på svenska då jag misstänker att du är svensk😉 Jag vill bara att mina nexa-brytare ska tändas 18.00 och släckas 00.00. Inget konstigt alls, har provat de "flesta" inställningar. Inget funkar.


Oj, det var ju inte så krångligt. Då gör du såhär:


Där schemaläggaren till vänster är konfigurerad som följer:


och schemläggaren till höger enl. nedan:


Hoppas detta funkar för dig! Lycka till!



Tack Dan!

Fick det att funka nu med en virtuell givare. Tack för din tid men nu ändrar jag inget som funkar👍 Har lagt ner två dar och höll på att slänga ut allt......😉

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