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Security module Offline after V2 to V3 migration

Jean-Marc Guyot shared this idea 3 years ago
Under Consideration


My security module is always offline since migration from V2 to V3. The release update changed nothink.

I have reboot, shutdown zipabox2 without modification.

I have open a ticket without answer/solution to support since one week.

thanks for your help


Replies (2)


I also need to know, since I am planning to migrate my security module to V3.

BR Johan



After one week, the security module is now working OnLine (I don't know if the support has made something, my ticket opened for this problem is always opened).

But, look forward with the delay to have a solution for the security of my house, i decided to change my alarm system and to go to Ajax.

And, looking for the new V3 APPs interface not very friendly, and not easy to manage, i decided to change my domotic system. My choice go to Jeebox system. It's very pleasent to use it (local run, http interface) and there is no limit to the the possibility due to many pluggin available in a market (pluggin for weather, for Ajax, for anythink).

It's the end of a good journey with zippabox.

If anyone is interested I have a Zippabox2 with security module, RF433 module and Zwave module to sale.



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