Aeotec quad switch dimming possibilities

Roberto Hiemstra shared this question 2 years ago
Need Answer


does anybody heve any experiance with the Aeotec quad switch to dim a single light?

I would like to use the Aeotec switch to dim a Qubino minidimmer.

I see only possibilities to use it in a scene, but one switch to dim one light by pressing one button I haven't been able to create,

Anybody who can help me on this issue?



Replies (6)


You can associate each dimmer to the particular button. Short press -toggle. Slide -dimm.



Thanx Adam,

it works for one light, but unfortunately when I try a second light on the second button, in the same way, it looks that it's not possible anymore.

I have tried several switches, but they woun't even switch by the association...

but one light is at least working on the way you suggested



it works for me. I tested with Qubino mini dimmer and Fibaro dimmer.

Please do remember that you need to add dimmer to the group3 (dimmer key1), click SEND, wake up Wall Mote Quad (receive confirmation that assosiation is set) and then click retrive and wake up Wall Mote again. Afterwards add the second dimmer to the group 5 ( dimmer key 2) and follow the procedure as before.


Hi Adam,

thanx for your support!

It's working!

Have a good christmas and a very good start for 2023!

Regards, Roberto


Hi there! I haven't used the Aeotec switch with a Qubino minidimmer, but have you tried checking the device settings for scene configurations? Sometimes, creating a virtual scene can help achieve the single-button dimming feature. Also, for a fun twist, have you played Bitlife ? It's a great game to explore life choices while waiting for your smart home setup to perfect! Hope this helps!


Does anyone have experience using the Aeotec quad switch to dim a single light? I'm trying to use it to dim a Qubino minidimmer. I can only find options to use it in a scene, but I haven't been able to create a setup where one switch dims one light by pressing a button. Any help would be appreciated.

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