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air condition control

mohamed abd el halim shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

first of all thx for your support

what i am asking for is the appellate to control my ordinary air condition

the remote control signal for switching on and of is the same so in case

1- when i need to switch off the AC while it is switched off using the IR transmitter it will be switched on !!!!

2- how can i detect that the AC is not working or working ??????

is there any extra devices needed for that ????

the idea in my mind is to control the AC with a single switch with meter to detect if it is working or not and acording to that given the system decide the needed action .

but i think that there is another idea

can you help ???

Replies (4)


i had the same issue what i done is when you learn your rometec to turn off the ac make sure to press the button while it turn off the lcd screen on your remote and for on do the same thing



any new ideas ???


any one can help


put your hand in front of the exhaust, if cold air is coming out of it, then the AC is working. :-)

Or use an inline relay.



i think that you are joking but if you have any idea you can explain it more

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