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Pan/Tilt Foscam FI9828W

Håvard Kinnerød shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

I finally managed to set up my new Foscam FI9828W so I can see video in the control-center, and when using my Zipato-app. I can not find a way to operate the pan/tilt-function though. Is this possible?

Replies (3)


Hi can you share yot settings for the camera? i have the same camera but cant get any stream on the camera, have tested the path for the stream in vlc but wont work with zipato..


I have moved on to HomeSeer. I can't get any stream in HomeSeer either - I have to get a series of frames using http://<IP-address:<port>/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=<username>&pwd=<password>;


I also tried homeseer, for now im just using the foscam ap for the camera.

I have a friend who has cameras working on zipato i wil check with him, not sure if its foscam,

Zipabox wont get a stream even if i use a stream ive checked in VLC..

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