Demo / test user for development of a new lightweight iOS app

Knut Tigeren shared this question 9 years ago


I am developing a new lightweight iOS app for controlling lights, scenes etc. via the API. Does it exist a demo or test user login to an artificial zipabox with some demo devices/thermostats/rules/scenes etc added to it?

I would like to be able to test development on features that i do not currently have in my own home setup such as multiple boxes, on/off power switches that is not connected to lighting, thermostats with cooling options etc.

Does such a user account exist?

Replies (11)


hello Knut,

we can setup some demo account for you. Please contact us on

Also, we are willing to provide the source code of our current application so you can use some parts if you like.



Thank you Sebastian, i will send you an email.


Pleas share any pictures if it is possible of this APP, interface!

If any of the functionality that I have propesed will be there I will start using it!


The intention is to make a fast lightweight app that can act as a simple remote (flip up your phone and run a scene, or flip a switch etc).

I do not intend to replace the new zipato app, or the control panel so any programming or adding / removing devices or other zipabox setup functions will not be there.

The app will remember your connection and last used function so focus is fast access to the most common tasks.

Pictures of current beta/development user interface is attached (screenshots from iPhone 6+). I am open to suggestions/wishes for further functionality of the app if there is some interest in this from other users.







Look Great!!



looks really good. My suggestion is: Some family members want to see all not all devices. If one could hide those devices which are unused, would be great and make the app very useful.


What kind of devices do you not wish to see?


Great stuffffff! Keep it coming.


Very nice!

If it is possible consider group control lights with color or symbols. Then you could easy get the level of lights you want. And a screen with mix of everything from lights, scens to wether info!

If you want help with Graphics I am glad to help!

If you have a Apple Watch it would be super if we could have a app to the watch then you could have the digital crown to dim with. And of course group dimming!

Any way fantastic initiative!




Thank you :)

Grouping of lights: Why cant you set up a scene for this? I personally use scenes for light level control, except for turning on or off a single light, but scenes control 99% of my light switching.

Apple Watch: I do not have an apple watch, but if i did i would certainly look into adding support for it :) Would be the perfect smart home remote!

Overview screen: Interesting, do you have a visual idea of how such a thing would look? It would have to be flexible enough to support X number of lights, climates, etc.


Also a sync group to get all the lights att the same level is a good ide?



Personally, I dont really see the need for this kind of functionality. I have set up different scenes that adjusts my lighting to different scenarios, and find that this is what I use the most.

What does grouping/syncing achieve that scenes do not?


If you have 3 disable lights per room and 10 rooms you have 30 dimmers and if you have 5 scens per room you have 150 different scens. And if you have some scens that cover al rooms like "ALL ON" an so on you could end up with 160 different scens.

Then you have to chose, but easy you could get 10-20 scens. I personally will more like 6-10 scens not more.

But then you end up with a lot of situations where you have to control every singel light in a room or creat group control. For example if we are having "film time scen" but both the daughter and the sun are going to bed and this scene will shut of al lights except 40 in the living room. And the the daughter is afraid of the dark this day, and wants a little light in here room and the "night scen daughter room" is too dark this day then you want al the lights in hear room to be just a few procent higher but maybe not the ceiling light but the window light.

To be able to dim multipel lights at the same time is really useful I think. I have created 2 rules for this in our living room one that makes one dimmer level control all dimmers. And one group dimmer that controls a group of lights. Really useful! Only problem the light in the window is much stronger then ceiling lights so when I dim it is not with the same light intensity. I could make a rule for this and have tried. But It would be nice to have a easy way of controlling multiple lights.

Just a wish

And the syncing is more if you have meny different dimmer values and want expel to set an exakt dimmer value in kitchen, hall way, and bedroom.

Maybe there is better ways but pleas consider any way!

Best regards!



Any app news? Pictures?

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