Controller does not detect zwave door switch out of range

Christer Axelsson shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

Hi !!

I have a Zipamini and a Fibaro Door/Window Censor. I have connected the censor to the controller

and when I test it, it works fine.

When I trigger the door censor, I can see the status of the censor in the controller.

But.. If I move the censor out of range, my controller still tells me that my door is closed

and that my battery is 97%, I can even remove the battery from the censor and my

controller still say that it has full power, and status of the censor is the last known.

Is there any way to detect if a censor is “off line” or out of range ? if not, its impossible to trust the system...


Christer / Sweden

Replies (9)


When the sensor is offline, you can see it on the red dot in the app or Dashboard.

Depending on wakeup interval, that takes some time.


Hi !

I dont have any red dot on my Dashboard, and the censor has been out of range for 24 our now, and it still say

that my door is open, but i is not :), i have the censor on my desk, if i move the censor closer to the Controller it

immediately change to "door closed"

Problem with this are: If i open my app on my phone, to check if my garage door are closed, i realy cant know if it is ?

Regards Christer / Sweden



One more strange thing:

In Device manager, i have 0 device offline ? and 0 Total Device, but in Device browser, you can see that i have

my door censor ?



??? Have i done something totaly worong ???


Does it change to closed state right away even if you do not change the state of the sensor? I agree that would be strange, based on what you write. What interval is the sensor supposed to report? It is in the settings.


If you set the report interval to 1 hour and synch to the controller, you should trigger your sensor when you know that it is in range, in order to speed up the device setting transfer.Your door sensor is passively sitting without listening on the network (as far as I understand). I think, that if the report interval is i.e. 24 hours, the controller will report the device offline if there has been no "alive" report from the device in 24 hours. The controller cannot "ask"or update the device before the device itself reports. It is passive.



report interval is at 1 hour, and i found a way to detect if my censor is offline ! when i look in

device browser, at my censor, battery info if missing if the senord is offline ! this must be a bug

in the system ! Look at the picture below, it say that i have 0 Device, but as you can see at the pictrure

i have a zwave Fibaro installed on the system ???? and 0 Device offline ? But my battery is removed from my censor... I have ordered a Zwave amplifier, to see if that helps.

Regrds Christer / Sweden



dear to have full zwave range and feed back on the zipamini you must get an electrical device such as plugin or dimmer sw to complete the system i had same issu and been soloved by potting electrical device or powered in between


Hi ! and yes,, i have ordered a zwave extender.

But imagine this:

I have a Zwave door sensor on my garage door, and maybe a fire sensor and to get more secure, i even have

a z wave glass break sensor ! but my garage is not in range of my Zipamini, so i have a Zwave extender.

So far so good, but... one day my extender stop working ! So when i go to sleep, looking at my phone

just to check that my garage door is closed, all that i see is false, old data !! the door can be open, and i can have a fire in my garage, but my system just say thats all is OK ????

There must be a way to ensure that what i see is the real thing ?

Regards Christer / Sweden

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