Second User can´t trigger the Security Module

Bernd shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

I have installed a second user beside the Supervisor in my System. I checked the ticmark "Alarm" as the right of the user.

The user is able to open the ControllCenter and to view all the Settings. Also the Login to the mobile application on the iPhone on the first glance everything seems to be ok.

But: when I try to trigger the Security Module either home as well as away it jumps back to disarmed without any Action. On my iPhone there is no problem to arm / disarm the System.

Could anyone tell me where my mistake is?



Replies (2)


Solved it by myself.

Didn´t know that in the security section behind the user one can determine specific rights bei clicking the Name of the user


Thanks! I had given this up until you put me on the right track. This is not very intuitive...

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