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ZipaTile and sensors

Antti shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer


I just got my ZipaTile out of the box and started installing it and adding devices that I bought with it. I was able to add 2 door/window sensors to the system BUT the sensors work only for few minutes then a constant red led is on the sensor. What is wrong with the sensors? On the ZipaTile it shows that the doors are closed and nothing happens if I open the doors - the red led keeps on. How to fix this problem with the sensors?

I also have to reboot ZipaTile after I add a device. Otherwise I won't see the new devices. Same if I create a new room or rename some sensor. Is there something wrong with Zipato servers at the moment or is my device somehow faulty/misconfigured?

I also cant use with my ZipaTile. It says that I need to register my ZipaTile. I have done that - still cant acces the site.

Then these calls... Im receiving some weird automated calls from Pennsylvania US?! Are these a part of some security thing in this device?

Replies (6)


You can't add sensors if the Zipatile is not registered. However, if properly registered, you should have the access to and see all your sensors over there.

As for the automated calls, each time when you receive the call you should listen the message. Probably the other side will tell you why did you receive the call. Also, you should get an email alert each time with the description of the alarm event.

Zipatile comes with 4 alarms which are preset already:

1. Elderly activity alarm, needs to be activated

2. Intruder alarm, needs to activated (armed home or away)

3. System alarm, mains power detection, cloud connection detection, active by default

4. Safety alarm, noise detection in order to detect eventual smoke or gas sensor's siren, active by default

additionally, you have a panic sensor (hold the lower right button on front of the Zipatile) which is always active, and can't be switched off within the settings of the Intruder alarm.

If you don't want to receive these calls and alerts, deactivate all alarms please.

As for the restarting the Zipatile, it is not necessary to restart the Zipatile after adding devices to it. In case you don't see the device for some reason after adding it, use the REFRESH option in the main menu (on the right side of the application).

As for the registration problems, I suggest should contact as these sounds strange, and until you properly register the Zipatile, you will certainly not be able to use it properly.


ZipaTile is registered - well, at least it says so. Still I cant access that ZipaTile in I can see the ZipaTile but cant access it or its devices.

The calls say something about "mains fault". I certainly dont know what this means... Since my ZipaTile is fully charged and connected to the power socket. So, even listening to the calls I cant specify what is wrong with it.

Now after 5th or 6th try I was able to add a sensors to the system. I still cant use tho... And what come to the "REFRESH", on most occasions it does absolutely NOTHING. I thought I bought a working device but now it seems that I need to contact support and try to figure out whats wrong...


Why do you think that you have a problem with the device?

1. Because you can't login to with your browser? Did you try with another PC?

2. Because you have a problem with your sensor? Did you read the user manual, I guess it says something about tamper. Try to install it properly as the first one (which you were also complaining about)

3. Because your are getting a phone call each time when your security system has left without power supply and start working on backup battery? This is feature of security system, tun it off if you don't like it.

Refreshing the screen is actually refreshing the screen. How do you know that it does nothing? Are you checking the source code somehow?


Pretty inappropriate undertone.

There is no word in the system requirements that customers have to be an IT specialist.


It's even more surprising that is the CEO that uses that tone and constantly implies all his customers are complete morons...


Does anyone have any idea why one of the door/window sensors is only showing a constant red light after few minutes of it being added to the system? I can see the device on ZipaTile but it says closed all the time. The other door sensor seems to be working - and there no red light on it.


i had a problem like yours with one of my door sensors that was from aeotec, and i found that it was because of it's tamper button. be sure that your tamper button is pressed when you installed it on door.


usually a red light could mean it is out of range, it could also mean that it has had no response from the sensor, try activating it manually via the inclusion button to test it. Also try deleting it and re adding the sensor. I have had problems with the door sensors on occasion on initial inclusion and had to remove and re add them.

Also the refresh usually works, but sometimes a device I have noticed when using a phone or tablet instead of the myzipato, can take a few minutes to appear. This is why I always revert to a laptop computer.


Cant be because of the range - I've tried it in many places. I've also added it several times and it still doesnt work.

Now I just realised that even the other sensor doesnt work with ZipaTile. It shows "open" after being closed for a while. Opening the door and closing it reverts the state to "closed" but the system turns it "open" again after a while.

Seems like this system is not suitable for making a home security system - at least if this sensor problems goes on...


This sounds to me like you have the open/closed states reversed. Go to the configuration tab in the device list and change the states.

What brand sensors are you using? If they are zipato do the above, if fibaro you need to reinclude and have the magnetic reader next to the sensor when including it. Other brands may have other ways so read the instructions.


Also remember, if you are testing the range of a product after it is included, if you bring it closer to the zipabox it may not read as "in range", because battery powered devices have long wakeup intervals. Meaning, it may take half hour of more, if there is no change in state, to send and receive a signal from the controller.


For the part of the

I had a lot of troubles after the installation of the system. my.zipato told me to register, even it was registered. Just hit "Cancel" and open the left side panel (hit on zipato). Then click on the Serial Number of the Zipatile and somehow miracoulous it worked from then on ;).

Maybe it helps :)

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