Wait block

Reidar Østrem shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Just a quick question...

Is there any limit on how many seconds we can use in a wait block? I upped one to 7200 seconds and for the thirst 2 times it just waited 15-20 minutes or so before continuing, but it seems to have settled now, been about an hour now..

Replies (1)


Did you saved and synced before testing, I have never had issues with wait puzzles before. The longest I have is 20 min (1200 seconds).


Hi Alberto, yes always save / sync.

It seems like it needs to settle after a change in the wait statements. The wait is used in conjunction with a motion detector. But it seems to be waiting 2 hrs now.



I use it sucessfully with 4 hours. no problem with that.

On thing to consider still : if you want to use the value of any meter , the value the zipabox will consider are the one from just before the 'wait'. The values are not automatically updated. Use 'refresh all' to update.


Hi. I use the wait block in combination with the repeat block.

So a 60sec wait block inside a 60times repeat block should be 1hr.

I also make sure to have a join block at the beginning of the rule just incase the trigger action re-trigger.

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