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Aeotec Multisensor 6 - missing vibration

Marius shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

I just bought and included a Aeon multisensor 6, but did not get any sensor for vibration in the config or the device manager. See attached config (missing vibration settings)


Since I have read a lot about problems with measuring UV, I pointed it towards the sun and let it stay like this for some hours. I got lux readings in the 11000-13500 range (as expected), but UV only went from 0 to 1 a litte while. During winter in Scandinavia, I expect the UV to be low, but found this value to be a bit strange.


1. Is it a known problem that no vibrations sensor is created for the Aeon multisensor 6 in Zipabox?

2. Is the UV meassuring still not working (I read some old posts where people had problems with it)?

Replies (4)


I have one Aeotec MS6 and also have the same missing sensor, to be honest (since I don't really use them) I never noticed I was missing a sensor, I think this is a descriptor issue on Zipato side, you should open a ticket on zipato support.

2. UV has never reported properly to Zipato. Zipato says the problem is not in their side but the sensor does not report these values appropiatelly, as you mention, this is an old issue that has been present since I remember. Again, in my case I don't really use this sensor yet so it is not a big problem to me.


Well it does not measure Vibration as in a vibration sensor. Vibrations are notified as a tamper alarm. it is up to you how to interpret this alarm. How to manage the whole thing in Zipato, I don't know exactly. Best to ask support.


Not necessarily (In this case it does), fibaro motion sensor has a parameter to set up the vibration mode. It can be used as "Tamper" and also in Earthquake mode, which will not only send Shock/No Shock to the controller, but also the quantity of motions detected and its relative position on space. The problem is that Zipato controllers do not add a vibration or shock sensor right from the inclusion, so even if the device sends this info and the controller receives it, there is no way to display it or use it.


Thanks for your replies, guys. I did not know that vibration meant tamper.

When it comes to UV, the sensor might actually be right. It depends on waht is the scale of UV in use.

It probably shows the UV index ( ).

The value of 1 is probably reasonable at this time of year in Oslo. In direct sunlight, midday in summer, the value is typically around 10 (at Toronto latitudes).


The following is extracted from Aeotec MS6 Manual, even though the advertisement on internet page says it can be used to detect earthquakes there is no information about this in the manual;

"The MultiSensor contains a smart Vibration sensor in. When

someone attempts to disassemble your MultiSensor, it can detect

the vibration and send an alarm notification to the main controller

and let you know."


O have only the motion in my Aeotec Multisensor 6!!! All of sensors don’t give information. They appeared, but shows the value “-“ I have ticket opened 3 days ago... but they don’t found a solution :(

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