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Alarm partition bugs

Andre shared this problem 7 years ago


Many problems when arming and disarming partition with dashboard since since several days.

State partition not always updated correctly and not possibility sometimes to arm because of device state not ready.

Others customers encounter these issues ?

Thanks for your share and help

Replies (5)


I have to admit we didn't receive a lot of complaints regarding the alarm system.

There were a couple of issues with iOS app specifically but they should be resolved now as well.

Can you please open up a support ticket if you haven't already so we could inspect this issue carefully?


I also experience this problem and based on another topic (not sure where it is but know Sebastian and Alberto also contributed) i was forced to set each my zone as follower zone in order to avoid the problem despite having the bypass allowed and remove bypass options enabled.


Here is the topic Attila mentions. Besides that the issues I have encountered have been related to the cloud or server issues. There has been a couple times that even all my zones are ready and Zipabox has solid green light I just cannot ARM the system.


Hi Attila

Thanks but it is not the solution for me.

Arm and disarm run correctly with keyfob.

Issue is when I use internt dashboard : status not updated, session failure ,,....etc .... problem of cloud.


Sure. The reason is that when you use a keyfob (you mean zipato RFID or a remote controller?), you bypass the issue as you have activated option quick arm allowed. However this only bypass the keyfob not the app on android ir ios. There the problem of having unready zones still will cause thet you cannot arm the system. As said, temporarily make all your zones (which are not entry/exit) follower zones and the problem will be solved.


I'm experiencing many issues on alarm partition since some weeks (I hope, at least, that alarm works when armed..).

I'm unable to arm a standard partition at the first try ("arm partition fail" after the secure code): I have to sync with the cloud before arm (but all the zones are ready and all the sensors in correct state).

An "health mode" partition seems not work: partition ar and disarm but seems to not work like expected.

Android app do not update partition status in a responsive way, there's the need to force an update manually.

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