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Alarm Sound Flood Multisensor 3 in 1

Almerino shared this question 7 years ago
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Hi Almerino,

I assume you are talking about Zipato Flood Multisensor 3 in 1, I don't have this device however in the manual I didn't see any configuration related to the Alarm so I guess is not configurable. Usually safety devices like smoke detectors, CO2 detectors, etc handle their own alarm and it is not possible to control it, they usually stop after they detect safe state "no smoke", "no flood" etc. Maybe you can try to make the autoreport faster with parameter 20, take a look at the manual.

Replies (5)


Is there any question here?


Sorry, lost my question.

When a flood is related device songs for three time repetitive. It's possible disable this in order to avoid noise & disturbance to people.


Hi Almerino,

I assume you are talking about Zipato Flood Multisensor 3 in 1, I don't have this device however in the manual I didn't see any configuration related to the Alarm so I guess is not configurable. Usually safety devices like smoke detectors, CO2 detectors, etc handle their own alarm and it is not possible to control it, they usually stop after they detect safe state "no smoke", "no flood" etc. Maybe you can try to make the autoreport faster with parameter 20, take a look at the manual.


Hi Alberto,

sure Zipato Flood Multisensor 3 in 1.

Alarm is ripetitive three time every minute and I don’t’ want neighbors complaining.

I’m approaching to use this device in a little sprinkler system and it is used as detector to check if water is enough. In this mode flood alarm is ordinary and not alarm for me.

As you suggest checked I setted parameter nr. 20 to 1 and then to “0” without success.

I’m going to verify a possibility to set via Hw. I'll back if I have news.


Hi there,

You haven't been back so I suppose you did not find the solution, but just in case you did and forgot to come back here... well, here I am, pinging you ;-) Because I'm very interested!

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