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Alarm Zone Not Ready

Nathan shared this problem 8 years ago

I'm trying to get my wired security module working and I'm not having any luck. The module is wired with 4 zones which correspond to each of my 4 doors. The sensors appear to be working and are listed as "Inactive" when closed and "Active" when opened.

My understanding is that even though the 4 zones are configured under the Device Manager, that I need to define the zones under the device browser. So, if I create a zone in the Device Browser, it always says "Not Ready".

Hopefully some pictures will help.

Replies (7)


This might be a bug. Have you tried to alarm the system and see if it actually arms? I had the same once and put the system in away. It still worked despite saying not ready and after that it was appearing fine (ready). Also, dont forget to have the right selection as it is possible to set up the sensors to show as not ready when closed and ready when open. Have you tested if you open the door, it will change to ready?


I hate to admit this (because I feel dumb), but apparently when you create the zone it will default to Not Ready regardless of the state of the sensors. I had to synchronize the controller before it would go to Ready.

It doesn't make sense to me why it would show as Not Ready as opposed to returning a dialog box that would indicate that you need to synchronize.

Either way, they all say Ready. So now I get to test the alarm.



I think I might have a setting wrong because of the way it's listing the Mode of the alarm. If I arm the system and then open one of the doors, the app lists the mode as "Away" as opposed to Tripped. Although it does log a Perimeter Breach corresponding to the zone the door is assigned to that I open.

Shouldn't that go from "Away" to "Tripped"? I did receive a notification that it was breached, but it appears as though it never actually trips.


You mean Arm Away should change to tripped? It doesnt. It just simply shows the state in which the alarm is. This is why you need to set the right notitying methods, so you know it was tripped.

You can also see in the event list when the alarm was tripped.


Is there a way to get the lights to flash when it's tripped? I tried a rule I found here somewhere, but it doesn't seem to work.

Thanks for all your help.


There is an easyer way to set a light or any actuator to work but I cannot access it as currently there are some server issues. If you go into your alarm partition and click on settings (mind you might not be able toa ccess it at all either - timeout) select the siren as many actuators as you wish. Try this first.


Thank you so much for your help.

I found the setting, but it doesn't appear to allow me to set anything other than the "siren module" or the "Siren programmable output" as a siren. None of the lights are listed as options. Maybe I have to change a setting somewhere else for them to appear as an option.

I'm attaching a screenshot.

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