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Change Fibaro Motion Sensor status to "NO MOTION"

Pedro Rojas shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Hello !

I'm creating rule to control a light with both switch (Fibaro FGS223) and motion sensor (Fibaro FGMS001).

The idea is to turn on the light when motion is detected and turn it off afer few seconds without motion. No problem with this.

The issue is the I go out off the room and manually turn off the light (FGS223).

If I enter again in the room soon the motion sensor is still in MOTION mode and without status change (MOTION-NO MOTION-MOTION) the rule is not activated.

I found a parameter in the motion sensor configuration that seems can be reduce this interval (MOTION ALARM CANCELATION DELAY) set by default to 30 secs. But I'd like to implement a more efficient way.

My idea is to manually cancel MOTION status when switch is OFF (attached file).

Frankly speaking the content of the Rule seems contradictory because I set NO MOTION to "false" but I found in other post a recomendation from Zipato team to don't touch "true" and "false" strings. Like is NO MOTION option was already including the proper string.

Anyway, even true or false, changing MOTION to false/true or NO MOTION to false/true, the motion sensor is not changing the status at all It's very easy to detect because 1st motion detection is reported as a long LED flash.

Am I doing something wrong? Or this function (change sensor status) is not properly supported?

Or... are there another way to do the same? :-)

Thanks in advance for your support !!!

Replies (3)



I think your approach of setting NO MOTION to the Fibaro Motion sensor will not work, never tried to do this. I would suggest you to read Fibaro Motion sensor manual, in the part where they explain configuration parameters, take a look at Motion Sentitivity (Par 1), Motion Blind time (Par 2), specially this last one needs to change if you want to decrease the Motion Cancelation Delay, please realize that decreasing these values (making the sensor to detect faster) will decrease battery life of the device.

Please see atached rule, this is how I do my motion activated lights, my setup is, Fibaro Motion Sensor, Qubino Flush Relay and Phillips Hue Bulb, feel free to ask further questions, looks like your native language is Spanish, so is mine. You can also automate the auto-off of your lights.


Hi Alberto, thanks for you time.

I have read the manual of course and based on all the test I already done I think my undestanding of the main ones is almost correct.

Parameter 1 is just the sensibility for motion detection and parameter 2 are the time that the sensor is checking if there is motion or not.

Playing with this two parameters I solved all issues regarding false "no motions" detections when cooking (the system is working in the kitchen).

The problem is that my main and very simple rule (attached) is executed only when the motion sensor is changing the status from NO MOTION to MOTION. No when motion is detected but the last reported status is motion too. The diagnosis of the behaviour is really easy thanks to the LED "single long blink at the

moment of reporting motion and two short

blinks each time the motion is detected again".

So, even the sensor is not detecting motion, due to MOTION ALARM CANCELATION DELAY (parameter 6) is set to 30, the sensor needs all this time to send NO MOTION status.

Based on LED, first time y enter in the room y have long blink and later short ones, but if I go outside and go inside again in 20 seconds, the first blink is short (the rule is not executed and the light is not connected).

I almost solved this issue changing the MOTION ALARM CANCELATION DELAY to 3. So just after 3 seconds of no motion detection the sensor is changing the status to NO MOTION and I can now enter quickly in the room again :-)

The problem is that I don't know if it can provoke some side effects in case I want to use the sensor as an intrusion detection and I was thinking to 'force' NO MOTION condition remotely.

Frankly speaking I could not see any parameter or mentions in the Fibaro instruction manual about remote status changes, but because the options are available in the Rule Creator I decided to check the mentioned idea: Force NO MOTION after manually switch off the light.

By the way.. I'm not able to control LED brightness using Parameter 81 (quite simple %)... Did you? :-)

Params 82 and 83 are related but since they are not supported by default I didn't change them. I should have default ones.

Gracias Alberto, si soy de Barcelona. De todas manera he preferido seguir en ingles por si puede ser util a mas gente leer la conversación. Aunque soy novato y es posible que la lie mas que otra cosa. :-P



Parameter 2 "Blind Time" is the time when the sensor will not be able to detect anything after changing status, so if you make this time shorter, the sensor will be able to detect status changes faster after a previous status change, this would definitelly help you to make your sensor detect faster (battery life will be reduced exponentially). This parameter is more on the sensor part and motion cancelation is more about when the sensor will inform the controller that no more MOTION is detected. I think these two parameters need to be short for what you want to achieve.

Your rule attached should execute every time the sensor reports a different status to the controller, you used ANY in the WHEN puzzle, this would allow the rule to run when changes from NO MOTION to MOTION and viceversa.

All the settings you change apply for both when it is being used for this purpose or if they are included in a virtual alarm, this would potentially cause problems only if the sensibility is to high, sometimes air mass movements trigger some false alarms, Zipato virtual alarm has a configuration that enables to add a delay between two sensors configured in the alarm so the alarm can trip, it is called "cross zone grouping", take a look at the descriptions if you create and use motion sensors in your alarm.

In my understanding what you mention as "remote status changes" is just a glitch in the rule creator puzzles, I have tried that with an smoke detector without luck, I don't think Zipato controller can change the status that a sensor reported but I cannot prove this.

Yes I actually set my Fibaro Motion sensor LED brightness to 1%, remember that battery operated devices are not always "awake" they only update their settings when performing a "wake up" command which is started by the device and not the controller. Any time you want your fibaro to take new configurations set in the controller you need to manually "wake it up" this can be achieved by pressing the B-button (button inside the sensor) three quick times, the led will glow for a few seconds and then turn off, after this the device takes the new configuration. Find attached my settings.

To be honest I think you should not have to manually turn OFF your switch every time you leave the kitchen, remember these relays have also are useful for certain amount of switch events, your rule should take care of the automatic off after you have been gone for certain period of time.

Also I would recomend you to do your rule this way (attached), in the way you have it the JOIN block only works together with the first IF condition (MOTION) and not for the second (NO MOTION)

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