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Danfoss LC-13 not working correctly?

Matej Kapusta shared this question 8 years ago

i have a older version of Danfoss LC-13. My problem is i think my Radiator valve not working when its in sleeping mode. For example: I set the temperature in Thermostat section to 21C. After an hour, i woke up my Danfoss valve. Automaticaly set the temperature from 4C to 21C and i hear the sound of motor valve /that sounds good/. But when i set the temperature on the Zipabox from 4C to 21C im think the valve is still closed after an hour.

Can you help me?

Replies (1)


Does the valve not go to to frost protection automatically? What is the wake-up interval?


Zdravím. Tuším viete slovensky? :) Ako zistím či je nastavená ochrana proti zamrznutiu? Na ovládači Zipato zipabox nič také neukazuje a na hlavici tiež nie (inak tiež neviem ako sa ochrana nastavuje). Interval je nastavený pôvodne na 5 minut


Na hlavici by mala byt mala ikona na spodku display so znakom. Ak nie je tak frost protection nie je zapnute a problem je inde.

Mate problem od instalacie, alebo vam to islo nejaky cas v poriadku a problem sa nastal neskor?

Celkovo komunita je tu, aby jednotlivci pomahali navzajom, takze je opodstatnene komunikovat po anglicky.

If you dont have a small shiled icon on the bottom of the radiator display, then the problem is elsewhere. Zipato does not support frost protection setting as far as I know.

Did the valve work properly for some time and playing up recently or is this problem since new installation?


Can you check in the virtual thermostat the program is set to Run program and not hold, or until next or hold permanently?

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