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Events delay

Andre shared this problem 8 years ago
In Progress

Zipato team work to resolve events delay. Other users they encounter this same problem ?

In my case events appear from 2 to 5 hours later on dashboard; sometimes immediately but it is increasingly rare.

If somebody open and close a door or window I do not see anything on my dashboard .

It's hard to bear this situation for a security system.I have 1.0.17 firmware and I wonder if a previous firmware would be better ?

Thanks for your help and experience about this problem

Replies (12)



I have several sites running 1.0.17 and haven't experienced event delays. There are known issues with push messages, but they are working on that.

Are the delays you experience, local or remote, i.e. are connected actions delayed (when you open a door, which signals to the light to switch on), or are you only experiencing delays when viewing them in the dashboard?


Hi Robert

Thanks for your comments. Fortunately I have only problem of delays with viewing in the dashboard.


I have the same problem, since 1.0.17.

Dashboard is not actual and Android App sometimes does not act.

The Zipabox seems to try to connect every 30 or 60 seconds.

Green light is flashing


I forgot to say, with the previous version there were no problems


Hi Rupert

With which firmware you think there was no problem ? It will be interesting that Zipato team confirm.

I ask them by ticket but they have not yet answered.


Hi Andre,

It's nice to be able to say that I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about: I am still trying to understand how Zipabox works, how the Zipato cloud services work and how things fit together. So the reasoning I am about to offer, is entirely based on speculation and some clues I've seen :-)

The Zipabox is a stand-alone computer, running Linux. It doesn't need any connections to the outside world (i.e. Zipato cloud) to do most of its things. The cloud services are running on Amazon AWS super-secure servers. This means that the servers are always available, super secure and super solid.

Since you experience delays in listing events in the dashboard, where the events have already been acted upon by Zipabox rules, my conclusion is that the delay is either in transfer of event listings from the Zipabox to the cloud database, or in the process responsible for displaying these in the Dashboard.

The Dashboard itself, seems to be an application which starts on the AWS servers, and which connect to the Zipabox whenever you are online, working in the Dashboard. If you don't log in, it doesn't retreieve any events.

So, logic reasoning leads to a conclusion that there was some downtime or problem in the subsystem responsible for showing events in the Dashboard. This is thus something which is passing, and not something which needs to "be fixed"; they'll fix it either way...

But again, as stated above: This conclusion is entirely based on speculation :-)


Thanks Robert but what I have to do ? Do you think a device can cause this delay ? I did not have this problem with old firmware.


I'm running several Zipaboxes on 1.0.17. I haven't upgraded to the latest beta yet.

If you really want to check that you've tried everything and get a confirmation that it's nothing wrong on your end and that any delay you're seeing is in the cloud services, I'd suggest that you reboot and test. If the problem is still there, try downgrading, restart and upgrade to the latest software and test again. If still there, simply wait for Zipato tech guys to do their things :-)


Hello Andre,

I'm sorry that you're experiencing this issue, let us try to resolve this a bit faster.

Can you please email me your ticket ID to and I'll do some research on your problem in order to resolve it.

Best regards!


Hello Vedran,

As I am in the process of learning, I'd be really interested to know if I was speculating along the right track :-)

Brgds Robert


Hello Vedran

I sent you my ticket ID.

Best regards


I have also some kind of similar problem! See my new topic!

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