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Fibaro dimmer 2 living it's own life

Robin shared this problem 8 years ago

Hi All

Since a while I have several Fibaro dimmers (type 2), that on occaision live their own lives.

For example, since yesterday evening, one is turning the light it's connected to on and off at about 12 min. intervals.

I have "no" clue as to why this could be.

There's one rule related to this dimmer, (unrelated to this behaviour though) which i've disabled, after synchronised, as expected, no effect.

Any suggestions how to "Debug" this?

For example is there a way to determine what the on/off trigger for this dimmer is?



Replies (5)


Can you post the device config and event log?



Did you ever made direct associations between this device and another?



I hope I've attached what you're asking for. Pls. bare with me I'm fairly new to this.

Attached is a screenshot of the events (is there a separate log file?)

As for the Device config those are added as screenshots as well (is there an easier way?) as Module config 123


I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "direct associations", so probably no. But appreciate if you can explain so I'd be able to make sure.



Zwave devices can command/react between each other without the need of the controller. If you go to device manager, under the advanced tab and click manage association for a particular device a picture like the one attached, on the right side you can see for which group you have an association and you can see if there is a command to that particular device, however this association has to be in another device (not the one you are having issues with). As you said, I don't think this is the problem since direct associations have to be configured manually.


Don't see anything wrong.

But try the disable the alarm broadcast. ps: Click on the item to open de send menu.


i agree with HeroS, it seems to be related to your alarm status in the device as it has a 6 minute interval, hence the switching on and off every 12 minutes.


Robin, under the Device manager, tab Advance, and look on the line Z-Wave node mangament were you can see the associtation button.

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