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Fibaro RGBW module dead after turning the power back on

Attila Hajdu shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

I have a Fibaro RGBW module (v2.2). From day 1 I have problems with it. Actually 1 problem but it is a major problem. First I describe my situation. From the fuse box the lead goes to my touch wall switch (230V) from here to the transformer (230/12V) and from here to the RGBW module (and then to the RGBW strip). Obviously if I turn off the light with the touch switch, everything after the switch will be offline.

I have no opportunity to wire the Fibaro RGBW module according to the manual to a low voltage light switch as I don't have enough wires between the light switch and the module.

Now the problem is that when I turn off the light with the touch switch and leave it off for a while, when I turn the switch back on, the light never gets back. From this point doesn't matter how many times I turn the light, there is no light. Like the device is dead. Even trying to control it from the Zipato interface does not help.

Obviously the parameters for remembering the state is set correctly, but it appears that this module is like dead. I know that Fibaro system has a functionality to "Wake up dead nodes" but it is a joke. Every other module (I don't use Fibaro at all, but Zipato or Qubino) is working absolutely perfect so don't understand why this Fibaro module is behaving like this.

I have attached the configuration for this module. This drives me crazy as I simply cannot use this light anymore.

Anyone any ideas?

Replies (4)


For everyone to know, do not even plan to install the Fibaro RGBW module in a way that it will not be always online. I fyou have a standard switch, you will need to convert the input to 12/24V. If you planning to use in your existing home where you have a transformer from 230V to 12/24V after the light switch, you will need to reconsider other options. It can happen that sooner or later the module will be offline (after one power cut) and from there on you will not be able to use your Fibaro RGBW module as you would love to (nearly always you will have to wake it up by triple click in the module).

This is a horrible thing about Fibaro modules and there is nothing anyone can do. Not a Zipato issue.


I have a setup that guess noone else has. I have touch switches so it is not simply possible to integrate any modules. What I did is that I used another source of live wire to keep the module always powered on and used a wire from the touch switch via a small transformer to act as a signal wire. Now it works.

I also used the parameter to set the light back to white at every dimming to 0% as it is impossible to set the white light back manually (as it is some kind of neutral white and not warm white.


I have had the same issue with the Fibaro RGBW, I can make it comunicate again with the "network heal" option most of the time. I thought Qubino didn't had RGBW modules, cannot find it on their website.


Hi Marcias, qubino does not have this kind of module. Currently only fibaro only know how...

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