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fibaro smoke sensor alarm broadcast not working

Sepp Malec shared this problem 8 years ago

in i can choose between enable/disable for the alarm broadcast setting,

but in the manual there are 4 values for this parameter (13)

when i set all the sensors to broadcast = enable, its still only the one sensor registrating smoke that starts its alarm,

i have tried going under "manage assosiations" and added the other sensors to eathother, but still no luck in getting them to work.

Replies (3)



As I understand you cannot trigger other smokesensors alarms from one smokesensor. You can only trigger other devices i.e a siren or something. After reading about the Fibaro, and other smoke-sensors, I have not yet found one that triggers the sound on other sensors when one goes off. I'm planning to add a siren that is triggered when one of the smokesensors detects smoke.



Yup, this information is right. You can't link smoke sensor with each other to sound a alarm.


I'm about to purchase a load of these, and got quite put off by this post. However, I read the manual, and it seems that you can associate the devices to eachother manually in addition to the association with the Z-Wave controller. This would make sense also, as lack of such an option would render the solution useless, or dangerous to depend on at the least.


Is this still true? As i read the manual and the description it seems possible.

If you read here under association:

I have not been able to get it working and it`s to late to test anymore in my apartment right now.

Anyone that has this up and running?



bumping this thread.

I want to achieve the same thing and the Alarm Broadcast and also the parameters in the manual indicates that it should be possible?

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