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Fibaro univeral Binary sensor - How do I use Scene

Cristian Carlsson shared this question 7 years ago
Need Answer

I'm trying out a Fibaro universal Binary sensor, and I got it to work with monostable on switch but it also support scenes...

So I added Parameter 14 and changed the value to a 1 instead of a 0 as it was, and it seems to have saved it for now it says 1.

But I can't find any way to create a rule or something to do something to capture the scenes. I was able to add one of them to a meter block but it has no attributes (if that make sense)

How do I use the scenes function? I want to be able to use the longpress function for instance..

Replies (1)



I think that functionality is only available from Fibaro Controllers, and you need to generate direct association on group 3, see screenshot of manual below. However you can do it pretty easily on Zipato by creating a rule just like the one attached, I don't have Fibaro universal sensors but I used Fibaro Button as reference, see below.

Also I checked and Fibaro Door/Window sensor has button press events too. You could use those to trigger scenes.


They usually types in that it works on their system and "similar" I think it's their way of saying that they don't know..

Yes it look like it is sending it to group 3, similar to the button is sending it's commands to the different group I guess..

Haven't really found so much way to capture other commands/events if they are not added by Zipato from the beginning, parameters is easy to add..

What I'm missing is the events that you have on your button, I only have on and off on so no more attributes than that, at least that I can find...



In your case I think ON/OFF is what you are supposed to get, you can use those events per input to trigger whatever scene you want in a rule.

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