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Fibaro Wall Plug FGWPF-101

Thomas shared this problem 8 years ago


I just included a new Fibaro wall plug to my zipato and it looked fine. I am able to turn it on and off. But if I disconnect the plugg from wall and than connect it again. It douesn't connect again. It remains in status "offline".

Why? What could be the problem?

Replies (3)


I always have problem with fibaro. Never use them if it is possible.

Have you tried to send command to it after you unplug and replug? Perhaps it is just how it shows zipato but still working?


Hi, sorry to say, my experiance is that fibaro works very well. I have just changed this plug from popp to fibaro because popp wasn'r reliable.

Yes I have tried to send command after unplug and replug but it doesn't work. It also looks like the configuration I have done of the plug stays after unplug and replug. (Coulors of the rings)


I have 5 plugs and no problems with them. They have been plugged/unplugged several times without problem. One of them is always unplugged through a switch when we are away.

Maybe you have week communication to the place where you placed it?

If not, try to reinstall it.

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