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Forum in different languages

Klaus G shared this idea 7 years ago
Under Consideration

Just an idea: Couldn´t we get some (even unmoderated) sections in different languages apart from this main forum?

I think the main forum in english is fine but for new users it would be easier to aks questions in their native language, especially if they try to explanin certain problems.

Sometimes it would make things easier.


Replies (2)


I think this would make the forum even more difficult to search, I have seen many duplicated posts because most people does not search the forum first before posting new questions/topics and/or the existing topics do not use tags which is what the search engine uses to find queries.

I would propose that if you need an answer in your native language you post in both languages, starting with your native language and then in english, that way the reader knows you rather be responded in the first language, and if another user has the answer but does not speak your language at least can try to share in english.


You meight be right, that could be a problem.

But in the long run I think we will need the support of other languages because not every one speaks english (even though its being taught in school in most countries) Or perhaps it is possible to add a direct answer funktion to make sure the forum doesn´t get overcrowded? That would be usefull If you read a question and can answer it on the spot but feel there is no public interest for that specific topic. Otherwise your proposal would be a workaround for those, who don´t speak english.


There is an option to make the topic private but I'm unsure then who will be able to see it, only Zipato?, power users??


Dear Alberto,

private topics can only be seen by Zipato Staff members.

Best regards,


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