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how can i count people with two motion sensor

smarthome saxion shared this question 8 years ago
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i see with febaro can we count people in a room with two motion sensor. can we do that with zipabox? and how?

Best Answer


I think it is possible, don't know if it would be completely reliable but my approach would be using a virtual meter. I would trigger the rule with both sensors in motion, however the sensors would have to be configured to update very quickly so you could see two persons walking behind each other. This rule would add 1 each time you see both sensors in motion state. Another way would be using variables, setting a variable to 1, for example, everytime both sensors detect motion, then to add one to the virtual meter and reset this variable. I guess it is matter for testing it.

Replies (7)



I think it is possible, don't know if it would be completely reliable but my approach would be using a virtual meter. I would trigger the rule with both sensors in motion, however the sensors would have to be configured to update very quickly so you could see two persons walking behind each other. This rule would add 1 each time you see both sensors in motion state. Another way would be using variables, setting a variable to 1, for example, everytime both sensors detect motion, then to add one to the virtual meter and reset this variable. I guess it is matter for testing it.


I agree with Alberto, the sensor has to retrigger very fast, not ideal for battery sensors. And as he mentions not reliable when 2 people are walking directly behind one another. Doing this with the fibaro sensor would see its battery lifespan drop to months if not weeks. Typical Fibaro show casing a pretty function, but not very practical. You could try a 3in1 or 4in1 Zipato sensor on each side of the door, and with a little soldering connect a 3V driver to power them.


thanks for your comment. but can anyone help me to build that program


I could probably try, please tell me your requirements, in other words, if you want to count people only in one direction (comming in/comming out) , I can probably help you with the programing and you would have to do the testing.


i have a room i want to use it as like smart studio. i have two fibaro motion sensor and two relay switch and one dimmer and i have elso one fibaro wall plug.


So basically you want to energize your switches and wall plug if you have more than one people in the room? can you be more specific with your objective on your smart studio?


There are things that Fibaro demonstrates in a video or in pictures as possible aplication that is not yet working...


Fibaro and Zipato are good for that!!


Haha, yes Fibaro show it in videos and publish it everywhere giving Fibaro installers and real headache. The best was the original movie that showed the oven pre heating itself and the Fibaro app tracking your distance home. So many installers hated this video cause everyone wanted these features. Zipato too, where is the Insteon support that was originally advertised?


No way, with actual PIR sensors you never will be able to count people accurately. Wait to see sensors based on image analysis and face recognition. Just my oppinion


As I said, it would be very difficult and not completely reliable, it all depends on what you want to achieve. Also it is not only a sensor issue, but comm and processing speed. Sensors based on image analysis are used on industrial automation and they are not cheap, very speciallized and hard to interface if your system does not uses fielbus protocols.


Yep, Agree with you.


I agree totally with you all. People counting is not an exact science for this. You could also use IR beams to detect people crossing a line better, but no way of knowing the direction of travel. Otherwise specialized Camera systems would be best, and a way to get the data and then transmit it to a virtual meter.


Synology Diskstation NAS comes wirh Surveillance Center IP camera software. It has functionalily for counting people passing by. At least it had this functionality some years ago.

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