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Missing events from scheduler running each hour

Marius shared this problem 8 years ago

I have a scheduler that calls a rule each hour. The rule is used to set state variables to make programming other rules easier.

Currently, I use it to just control two virtual sensors: IsWeekend and TVAllowedToBeOn

The scheduler triggers the rule each hour, exatly on the hour.

But in the event log, I notice that the often an hour is missed. I don't know if it is the calling of the rule (the scheduler) or the setting of the virtual switch that fails.

I created a third virtual device (Switch) which I set to ON each time the rule is called. This has been running for a couple of days now and I see the same thing happen; some hours are just missing... See attached image. Does anybody else experience similar problems?

Replies (4)


The problem is still there. This far today, 7 out of 17 calls are missing in the event list


Remove the scheduler and insert a new one from the rule creator.

It might be that if your existing scheduler became somehow corrupt, it will be corrupt even if u use in in another rule.


I've noticed the same scheduler problems. But I also get the impression that the log doesn't always record the changes that happen. So I'm left wondering whether it's just a log problem sometimes.

In the end I made a "master scheduler" rule that runs every minute, and used that to run my other rules. It's much more reliable.


Hello David,

Can you please elaborate a little around your "master scheduler", I'm having a few problems with rules not running randomly and I would appreciate to get some good advices...

Thanks in advance


I tried firmware v .11 and now .12

Still missing about 1/3 of events in the event list.

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