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Need help with scenes and more

LarryH shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

The nearly complete absence of useful documentation is driving me crazy! I'm just getting started with the system, and added about 10 z-wave devices. I can control them individually either via the web app or on Android. My next step was to try out scenes. I create a new one, select to include a particular device and select that I'd like it turned on. Then save it, and sync (as shown in the attachment on the left side). If I open it back up, it shows it device included, but the "on" changed to "off" (as shown in the right side of the attachment). I think that either scenes are broken for me, or I don't understand some fundamental aspect of their use (and couldn't find a single written word of docs/faq/etc to help.

My other question has to do with the fundamental flow of how the system gets neighbors and routing between z-wave nodes figured out. I know you either have to bring the z-wave devices near the controller or the controller near the device when adding a new device. Great, everything works fine. The question then becomes how does the system figure out what can really speak to what in it's actual implementation. I've been selecting to heal the network thinking that was the method. Should you do this after added each new device?

In healing, I've noticed some behavior I don't fully understand. I started adding two new Aeon Labs Z-Wave Plus Smart Switch 6 units. They are both fairly close to the controller. I then added a number of legacy Intermatic z-wave appliance modules (which will be replaced with better plugin units soon). After adding several of these older devices, the new Smart Switch 6 devices would always fail when healing. I can still control them fine, but would love to understand what is really happening in the healing process, and what action I should take when you get a heal failure. Again, no documentation.

Replies (3)


Exclude means that the device is included I think! And you just have to chose stat of the device when you run the scene!

Not logical hope Zipato will change this!


i think they have made the text like a button. so if its red and says in include. They refer it as "push the button to include"

If you are unsure just go the the old gui EVERYTHING is more clear there. not as good looking but actually works and is better self-explaining (at least how i experience it)


Many thanks for the help. It works now! I usually feel real stupid when making a dumb error, but in what world does "exclude" mean include? Next up.... programming blocks. I do think it was clever to model the programming interface after the MIT LLK Scratch environment.

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