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NEXA PER-1500 problem

Harlex shared this idea 9 years ago
Under Consideration

I have four nexa per-1500 in my livingroom. Its working fine. I have different scenes in the mobile app and I can turn on/off each lamp. But when I am trying to include a fifth per-1500 it dont seems to include in the system (device browser or mobile app) It wont show anyhere. The zipabox seems to find it when I am using the include process. and tells me to give my new device å name...

Any suggestions? Is it a limited number of per-1500 I can include?

Replies (5)


Have you tried to restart the box? Have you tried to synchronize?


  1. Yes I have tried that. And I have tried to include the per-1500 right Besides the zipabox to be sure that its not a connection problem.


You should contact for this issue.


I had same problem with per-1500, try clear memory in the per-1500 that helped me to get them work in my zipato


Yes that is probably it. I think the plugg only have 3 memory kodes.


I have tried some more. I can not see or use the plugs in "device browser" but I can see them in "device manager". The status in device manager is "no endpoints"

Its been some time since I added the other PER-1500 who is working and I mean I had to add them using the old browser/system. Now I cant choose the "old version" any more so I can not try that option. :-(


You need to upgrade your firmware to latest beta version for no endpoints problem.

You may experience the problem of not showing device in the device browser still, but I believe it can be easily fixed after you upgrade


I have tried some more. I can not see or use the plugs in "device browser" but I can see them in "device manager". The status in device manager is "no endpoints"

Its been some time since I added the other PER-1500 who is working and I mean I had to add them using the old browser/system. Now I cant choose the "old version" any more so I can not try that option. :-(


Old UI still available: url is still responding (for how long?) go to web api, then dashboard.


Old UI still available: url is still responding (for how long?) go to web api, then dashboard. That's what I am using to add chacon/di-o/Nexa when it fails under the new UI (I know the official is to use the beta firmware, but I don't want to risk regressions, prefer to wait for the next official one).

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