Not able to use virtual devices

Erik S. shared this question 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm posting this under the questions category because I'm not sure if this is an error or just a noobie-mistake.

I have added a virtual switch. When I turn it on, I want it to turn on the wall plug. (as shown in the screenshot), but it just doesn't work! I have tried a gazillion of different options, devices, old and new UI to make this work, but I'm still struggling.

The event viewer doesn't show any events for the virtual switch. I have also tried to add virtual sensors and changed the state via HTTP, but not luck. It does not trigger the rule, and does not show anything in the event viewer.

Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?



Replies (6)


Did you do a sync?

Try with the API to make sure it works:!/box/sync



Thank you for your reply, HeroS.

Yes, I have synced multiple times. I have tried this whole process both with official firmware, beta firmare, old and new UI. Deleted and recreated all devices and tried again and again, always syncing with every little change.

I'll try syncing with the API tonight when I'm back from work.


I'm not able to use the API through the web interface. All operations hangs (the progress indicator never stops spinning). I have tried both the synchronize call, and tried to retrieve contacts through the API. No luck.

When looking at the page of the box itself, it says "Need Sync: Yes" even if the synchronize was successful, and the last sync timestamp was updated (see screenshot). Maybe you're into something - the box not synchronizing properly?

Maybe I should just create an support ticket (again).. ?




Yup, create an ticket...i don't know.


Ok, thank you for your input. I have created a support ticket. I will update this post after support has looked into it in case others run into the same problem.


Still waiting for help from support...

I debugged further, and found out that synchronizing rules from the API and old UI just "hanged" (no errors). Synchronizing from the new UI reported success.

I logged into the old UI, deleted all my rules and managed to sync correctly. Added new rules with the old UI and synced the rules, then my virtual switch worked with rules!

This is too buggy!! I'm a developer and understand that things might break, but I have seen too many serious bugs lately. Also, the system should report errors when something fails.

What's causing all these bugs? Is working with both the old and new UI not supported? Should I stick to one of the versions?


Working in the old ui is not supported at all. Besides lack of support for the UI, it is based on old API which isn't supported neither, so no issues related to it are considered as bugs. Availability of the old UI is related to very few specific cases, and it will expire soon.


Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for your reply. I didn't know that. Then I'll keep away from the old UI from now on. I'll update the support ticket mentioning that this problem might have been caused from me using both UIs.

If you are not removing the old UI very shortly, I would recommend putting a warning about this on the old UI or removing the link from the new UI.

PS! I really like the new UI ;)




No worry Eric, we are aware of confusion caused by still having the link on top of the page. However, I am very glad that you like the new one, since I can hardly wait to remove that link to the old one:-)


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