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Not all devices respond when running a scene

Knut Tigeren shared this problem 10 years ago

I have several scenes set up for controlling light levels in my apartment. Scenes control approximately 8 different light sources connected to zipabox through various Nexa 433mhz devices.

The problem is that almost every time I run a scene there are one or two lights that does not respond. I have to run the scene several times to get all devices to respond.

- There is not one spesific problem device. The "non-responders" vary each time.

- Signal should be good. None of the devices are more than 5-6 meters away, and in clear sight of the zipabox.

- All devices responds to commands when sent directly. The problem only exists when running a scene.

- zipabox is the duo, with internal rf433 module and two antennas.

This is annoying as I cannot trust that all lights are off when i run the scene "Lights off". Is the commands being sent "crashing" with each other? How can i fix this?

Replies (9)


Same Problem with somfy shutters


Indeed. I somehow understand, if 433 devices miss the command, but also z-wave devices stays in incorrect state. So the problem is somewhere else, than radio range. this happens with rules also, not only scenes.


This seems to work ok. I made a virtual switch that triggers from the scene, and set up a rule as you described. Reliability is much better now. The sweet spot seems to be 1.5 seconds between each command.


This should be built in to the device.


I have the same problem with all 433 Mhz devices not responding. Could this not be implemented as a configurable option for all 433Mhz devices? That is: For all 433 Mhz devices you can configure a wait value that will be executed after the device has been send a command.

I have logged a issue that is a duplicate of this:




Same problem with qubino z-wave+ roller shutter modules. Funny enough only in case when tilting the slats. A full up or down movement seems to work.

The scene controls 9 modules at once.

I'll try the proposed work-around - but anyhow it would be great if scenes work properly.


I have about 8 qubino dimmers and 3 fibaro wall plugs in my livingroom.

I use a scene to create various light themes for watching movies of all on of all off.

Most of the times when I select the all off scene one of more modules are not triggered. So I go to bed, start the scene with my Android Phone of by a button hold on a Keyfob and lights start to dim to 0 of switch off. I walk upstairs but notice that even after a few minutes there are still lights burning downstairs. I have to run the scene again and sometimes again after that to switch everything off.

Manually controlling all these devices works just fine! Can it be that the Zipabox is sending the various commands to these devices to close to each other. Maybe an adjustible delay time that can be set for each scene for 100 to 1000ms.? I don't care if switching off everything takes 5 seconds longer, I just want everything switched OFF when I tell it to switch OFF.

This also occurs when switching lights on, but this generally isn't noticed directly and I doesn't seem to occur as often than with the full off scene.


This is a common problem when having too many devices in the scene. I also experienced this behaviour with qubino shutters ( I had about 13pc). I ended up using a virtual switch and added this switch into the rule with 1 second wait between shutters. Sometimes even this is not 100% working but reliable.


Could Zipato tell me limits of integrated devices for one Zipabox and one Zipatile?

Could Zipato tell me limits of used devices in one Rule?

I need that one house with more than 100 installed devices worked very stable.

Cluster and 3 Zipabox + 1 Zipatile in each floor already installed.


Another option I do, I create a virtual switch, include this into the scene, and program it so when it is switched on/off it has a 2 second delay then runs the scene again, or a select number of devices.


I understand the workarrounds for this issue, but this should be fixed from the controller itself, not by users and custom rules!

When there is a maximum of devices the controller should limit the user from adding too many devices to the scene.

Now there is functionality that sometimes work, but mostly not! With domotica, in my opinion, things should work reliably. You toggle a switch and there must be a reaction. Not sometimes, but everytime!

By introducing delays in scene execution I think the problem of too many devices can easily be solved. Just execute commands in a sequential order with a small delay between each command. Who cares if it takes 5 seconds longer to run the scene? It must just RUN, each and every time and Zipato should make sure users can rely on their product.


True, I agree this should be implemented by Zipato. In fact after a scene is run, the controller should check the state of the devices automatically within a few seconds and run the command again on the devices not activated properly.

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