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Obtain data from device using HTTP GET

David Pritchard shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

1) Reading around on this forum, some have suggested that HTTP GET currently does nothing on the Zipabox. Is this still true? Is there no way to obtain data from an external device using HTTP?

2) If I try to configure a HTTP GET request and insert attribute values from the drop-down list. I get a message about paid services. As I understood it, all services are free before firmware 1.0. (Taking into account that we're debugging it for you). What gives?

Replies (3)




1. GET calls are not really used for retrieving data, I think. You can pass values to other services, but you cannot use the response from the service.

2. Zipato CEO posted an response in this community some weeks ago, implying that sending device parameters be free/available for users prior to the FW 1.0 release.


OK, maybe I'm confused about GET/POST, but isn't POST for sending values and GET for receiving them?


Both GET and POST triggers a response from the HTTP server. But you are right, the POST was probably meant for posting forms data. Both request types can carry values. Get is a little simpler to comprehend because you can see the parameters that are sent in the URL. Post carries its daya in the request body.

Since the Zipabox have no receive handling, both types are meant t send data or trigger other services. I use POST to trigger custom Pushover messages and GET to trigger my PHP scrips. It is fire and forget.

I have a script running on my NAS for controlling my TV. I use GET because there is no reason I should not. The request look something like this: Https://diskistation/samsung_remote.php?command=POWER_OFF

The NAS then picks up the command and send it to the TV (not HTTP, otherwise I could have sent a request directly from the Zipabox). The response to the Zipabox from the NAS could be whatever, it will not know if the power off was successful or not anyways, as it can't evaluate responses.


Thanks for the info!


I have quite a bit of success using Post commands to control a Yamaha Receiver and LG TV via RS232 and a Raspberry Pi. I would like to start getting status back from the TV/Amp using a Post command that returns a Get responds. As per the attached file, I would like to capture the response and filter out the power status, in the attached "On". Is it still the case where the Zipato unit cant process HTTP responses.

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