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Pricing Explained?

Kevin Neberman shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

I am a current Vera user and considering moving to Zipato for the rule creator. I have roughly 40 zwave devices as of now, what would I expect to pay if I were to make the move to Zipabox or Zipamini. I understand that you have to pay for the controller + device license (is this only on the mini?).


Replies (3)


If you go with the Zipabox, you have the license for connecting unlimited number of devices (SMART license). No limitation:-)


I apologize, you are saying the Zipabox comes with that license vs. the Zipamini only comes with 5 licenses. I guess I am having a hard time breaking down what my costs might be. Will I need to pay for anything else (I've seen additional services would need to be paid for - not sure what these would be).


And how much is that? I don't see pricing info on the website.



at the moment you one will pay if you are using Messaging Pro. That is for sending you variables of devices.

But you can send normal Emails oder Push Mails.

regards Helle


Thanks for your reply, you are speaking of this breakdown? I'm sorry if I'm coming across very ignorant but from what this says I wouldn't be able to control my zwave thermostats if I have the "smart" license.

Also, for clarity, the Zipamini comes with a smart license VS the Zipabox comes with a pro license and both have unlimited connected devices.

Again thanks for your help, I've read various review of Zipato and the pricing and I'm finding conflicting information.


Just buy the Zipabox. It is a more complete unit and gives you the flexibility to expand to other protocols for the future. Worth it in my book.

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