Problems adding nest smoke sensor

Cristian Fernandez shared this problem 7 years ago

Does anyone know if you have problems adding nest products? I have tried different versions of firmware of zipato; older (1.1.38), official (1.2.29) and Beta (1.3.9). it appears a message that describes that service is not available.

Does anyone know if zipato solved a similar problem with the firmwares described above?



Replies (11)


What a shame. This product should work without problems and yet it is not possible to include.


Not trying to hijack your thread here but I'm trying to add a my nest products to my Zipato and keep getting the configuration fail bummer message. Trying to add through the app and it get stuck at the inclusion window, count down to zero.

Why is Zipato advertising Nest being compatible while it is obviously not??


I've added four Nest Protects. Not sure what version of the firmware I was running at the time, but it was fairly recent - within the last 4 months. I found you couldn't add them through the mobile app (and still can't on the new app) - you need the web interface. But other than that, no problems.


I have a brand new zipatile and trying to connect it to nest. On the device itself I get the error message configuration failed bummer message and from the tip above using a web browser gets me to "service is currently unavailable, please try again later". Does this currently work, or not, as if not then I will have to return the zipatile ?



I've been trying for the last 4 days to add Nest through the web portal. No go. Looks like were successful in the past tho.


Does anyone from Zipato look at these postings, and so we are expecting a reply, or is this more of a self help website ?

I have raised a ticket with Zipato, but no response yet.


With version 1.1.x I could but since zipato released upgrades no successful connections I opened a ticket too but the answer was be patient it will be solved. But I would like to know how much time does it mean


Yesterday and today we i have an upgrade to my zipabox, version 1.3.12 and 1.3.13. i got the same message trying to adding nest "service is currently unavailable, please try again later"


I added three nest protect 2 in December 2017. It worked like a charm, absolutely no problem. They work nicely and the status is always up to date. But you have to add them from the web interface, not the Zipato app.


I'm having the same issue as you Cristian. Tired the web interface, iPhone App and Zipato itself (device manager, add device, etc) all with similar - no-go results (for any Nest products). I've had a ticket opened a week ago, and was told newer firmware would fix it. I'm on 1.3.13e now and still the same results. I re-opened my ticket and will hopefully hear back tonight as they are good at responding.


Zipato solved the problem adding the nest smoke sensor but that's it, the integration is done but it doesn't exist any report from nest, i have generated an alarm in the kitchen but nest application send notificataion but zipato doesn't do anything. Some is having this type of problem

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