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Push sent when front door opens and if not closed push sent!

Jacob Wiqvist shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Hi all rulle gurus out there!

I want create rules that send push notification when I open the front door and if you don't close the door with in 30 seconds i want to get a notification that the door is not closed.

I created 2 rules but it does not work as it should.

If I open the door I get a Push.

But if I close the door before 30 seconds I get both the pushes? Bothe the door is opened and door have bin open more then 30 seconds.

Also I have problem that my wife get the push. And I think I know why. Because she is logged in to hear app with my id. And I can't log in to the app with her email?

Any sulotions would be helpful.


Replies (7)


You will need to set your wife up as a user as well as a contact. This will give her her own login and push messages.

As for the rules, you will find the door sensor is probably still active for a number of seconds before it returns to the inactive state if it is closed to soon. Put the send message puzzle in the first rule below the door sensor active into the second rule above the join puzzle. Also you could be getting messages from the motion side if the door is open.(unless this is what you intended) Also not sure on the type of motions sensor you are using, so any change in state, temperature, light etc could trigger a message if the door is open. May want to change this to motion state

The second rule has two negatives in it also. You could just say for the second sensor, "if" puzzle with door sensor active, instead of not door sensor inactive. Not sure why this would be sending though if the door is closed under 30 seconds.

Hope this helps, let me know how you go


Hey Adrian!

Thanks for answering.

I changed the rules according to your suggestions and after some time I manage to add my wife as a user. Apparently she have to approve to be a user with her mail. A little strange that I as a administrator can't do it all and not administrate what devices she can see? But I guess there must be some things left for Zipato to do.;-)

She will not get the Push now! Perfect

But the sensor, rule or box seem to not react as it should. You might ask why not make my life easier and buy a zipato door sensor.

3 reasons:

1) Prise

2) Z-wave Plus

3) Design (Very small, clean, quality feeling)

Hear is the manual:

I still get the 60 second Push even if I have closed the door, and there is not very good events representation and I don't see mush changes in the events.

Any way I will start a ticket to se if they can solve it fairly fast and easy?

Bigg thank you again Adrian for your help!


Hi Jacob, glad to help if I can, you do enough for everyone here.

The confirmation through the email is just all part of their security level of service I think. I agree with the enabling of what devices they should be able to see or control, hopefully this will be implemented at a later stage.

As for the sensor it is basically the same as the Zipato door sensor. Price, z-wave plus, size see here

Also found the fibaro here for similar price.

But anyway it should operate the same regardless. Can not see why you are getting the message still. Have you checked to see if the status of the door changes in the app before you get the message. Like I said maybe it is just taking to long to update. If, as you say, there is not good event representation it is probably the quality of the signal from the device itself. Try another contact sensor if you have another installed elsewhere and swap them.


I guess this is the same as this:,-Z-wave/36-5749

Very good price hear in Sweden. Does not say anything about z-wave plus?

But the design is to big IMO. Not my cup of tee. If I did not live in a rental apartment I would install Aeotec that you could hide.

But I tested this rule just to bee certain that the sensor worked fast, and it did as you can see i my youtube clip:

Works perfect except that I get the push.


I don't have any other sensor but I will trie a rule:


Cannot help you regarding any rules as I am just started learning my new Zipabox.

Her er en Svensk magnetkontakt (very small Sweedish door magnet). It can often be hidden inside the door. Have seen some issues/efforts to get it working on Zipato. It it still has problems I believe they will be sorted soon.




Hi Stian and all!

Support helped me with a rule that worked, forgot to say. I don't really understand why, but it does. Thank you Zipato.

Her is the rule:



oh yeah, should have had the "any" state first, sorry. You need this to trigger the event properly. Otherwise it could trigger any time, or sometimes not at all. My bad.

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