rules on reboot

Gabriele shared this question 7 years ago
Need Answer


I have 3 rules to monitor a cooler room ( 2 temp sensors and 1 door sensor)

emails and push notifications are sent with rules in cas of anormal values.

But every time the controler restart the rules are messages are sent even if all is ok.

Could you check my rules please ?



Replies (2)


Hello Gabriele,

Your rules look fine I would only change rule 3 as follows;


This change will make the rule to send messages only when the door has been opened for more than 600 seconds (if you close the door timer will restart). Regarding the messages after the controller reboots I haven't been able to block the notifications succesfully, it has to do with the fact that the controller reads values from the cloud once it reboot so the only thing I have done is a reboot detector, that way I know that those alerts where caused by a reboot. See attached.


Thanks ! I have followed your advice and modified the rule 3 with the JOIN command.

I've to try your boot detector.

Many thanks

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