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Scene activation from Fibaro Dimmer 2

Thomas Nygård shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Good morning gents,

I am fairly new to the z-wave/Zipatile products, but I have managed to have the Zipatile up and running with a few dimmers, switches and smoke detectors. All is working fine and I am very pleaced so far.

But I have problems with scene activation from the Fibaro Dimmer 2. From the configuration/documentation for the dimmer it says that it should be able to sende out different Scene ID's from the two switches (S1 and S2) with single press, double press etc.

I have tried to create rules for this, but so far I am not able to get this to work. What I want is that when I doubble press the Fibaro Switch (S1), a scene should be triggered. From the documentation I found that the scene ID should be 14.

Does someone have a tip or the possibility to point me in the right direction?

Or maybe somebody already have done this?

Best Regards


Replies (1)


I have the same issue. I have written a rule but it never gets activated. I have tried different scene ID's on both S1 and S2. Scenes are also activated under configuration of the Fibaro dimmer. I have filed a ticket couple of days ago but Zipato has not responded with a solution. I suspect that this feature is not fully supported.



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