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Server problems AGAIN?

Erik S. shared this problem 9 years ago

There is a 6 minute delay in the user iterface when one of my devices change status. Do you have server issues again? Last time you had server issues was only 2 weeks ago.

And again, please make a permanent status page reporting your service status (

Replies (45)


Same problem with me. Big delay when trying to communicate with my devices.


Up to me it is a problem of overload of th servers, th problems appear mainly in the evening when more people works on it.


Same for me. did not know this was server related. I thought the web UI controlled my box directly over my wifi. Very strange.

Why does it have to contact some server?


If you make a direct connection to the box via app (iphone or Android) you see that the box itself responds fast and correctly while form the web UI or from away (when your phone is connected to the box via the servers) often there are delays in reporting the correct status of devices.

I can only think of an overload mainly happening in early evening when people "play with their box" and servers are more stressed.


The servers should have a stable and predictable response time. In my opinion, this should not take more than a couple of seconds. When they have chosen an technical architecture t's heavily dependend on their cloud service, this service MUST be stable.

We have seen too many problems like this. It doesn't seem like Zipato is able to handle this problem problem. I really hope this problem isn't related to scalability problems of the technical architecture. Fixing this types of problems if the architecture is not correct in the first place is normally a huge task...

Maybe Zipato can repond to this post? Previous responses have been "the problem is now fixed", but we would really like a more detailed answer where you adress future problems like this. Are you doing anything to mitigate this problem? Scaling up hardware? Rewriting architecture? Other? Better failovers? Can we expect more or less of this type of errors?



In the last 2 weeks I also had the problem that with local connection my devices showed different state ( eg open, closed) then when connect form the web UI or from away. Also a few hours after the event.

Seems that the box and the zipato servers are not sync sometimes.

First I thougt there are problems with the devices but on local connection they worked fine.

I opened a ticket a week ago and will let you know the the result.




Totally agree with Erik S. Peoples lives depend on there service!

Then it must work! And that they are open gives us more understanding.

I have used Apple Music for half a year now and it still does not work as it should. Any day now I will switch to Spotify or any other service. Maybe YouTube red!

Apple was known to be a little boring when it cam to operating system but everyone knew stability was there. It is not faire to compare Zipato to Apple. but.....

I always hear some kind of explanation of why they don't could fix this or that, and that is because off all there programers are working on other things. So the new tablet honestly make me a little mad about where al the resources work. And the beta Android app is there, and I had note seen any of my ides of interface on it. No colors?

We have seen new product announcements and things that none have requested. Dimmers, wall Tablet


What function or price does this have that not the others have, Motion detection. Motion detection is as science IMO and nothing you can use if you are in a room where you not move very much, if you want to control lights.

I understand that why give money to Fibaro when Zipato could get that moony by them selfs. I support Zipato in having there own product line. But If I buy a z-wave dimmer I simply want the best, 45 euro or 55 euro does not matter. The fight is very close between Fibaro and Qubino. Aeotec is behind IMO.

At the moment it feels like Zipato wants to be everywhere. I mean camera???? Come on. Ther are many companies that make fantastic ip cameras. Still after month I can't scroll with normal speed on the web UI page with my MacBook Pro touch pad.

And again some explanation from them:

"Dear Jacob,Our team made test and they did not notice any issues while using two-finger scroll on MacBook.

Did you try to adjust the Trackpad scroll speed?"

My answer:

"Hi Pero!

Now you are wrong it is not good se my new film:

Test add divice and test on any other page!"

There answer:

"Dear Jacob,

We have viewed your Youtube video before we have responded to you.

After all, how do we know that you are using two-finger scroll on MacBook instead of maybe mouse.

Our team do our best to solve the difficulties that you have as soon as possible.

Please be patient, we will contact you."

This was in October???????????????????????? Patients is out. Sory

Any one tried to select a row in this forum? On my mac the hole page jumps down. and you can't select. How could this go pat testing?

And the only thing people want is that they improve there software. And they are focusing on new products.

You have to hire or found resources to put on programing and fixing the things people complain over.

This is what they could have done with there dimmer:

1) Qubino have 3 inputs, Fibaro 2+dubble and trippel klick+ level controlYou could have made a dimmer with 6 inputs + al the Fibaro dimmer 2 functions?

2) Qubino have 200W of controlYou could have mad 400W or 500W control.

3) Non of them have good syncYou could have made a special sync signal so someone can connect 10 dimmers that al have the exact light level. But you didn't?

4) Qubino have temp sensor built in, but you need to buy a separate sensor.You could have mad a dimmer with built in temp sensor and connectable sensor. But you did not.

5) Qubino and Fibaro both cost 50-60 euro.You could have built a dimmer for half the price but with all the functions thad Fibaro have.

6) No one have indication LEDs.You could have build a dimmer that looks like a standard dimer with a twisting knob, and indication lights, or input for encoder or what ever. but you didn't.

7) You could have made a time interface for smooth long time dimming. So people can dim lights in 1024 steps with in 60-200 seconds. Or longer for artificial sunrise and nice home cinema setups. But you did not.

You just did a dimmer like everyone els. Why not try to be best?

Her are links to other users suggestions that is really good:

01) Predefined >> Some standard/basic rules that u can pull in

02) Drag an rule and copy it

03) Test button to test rule

04) Export (or share) rule

05) See code behind (Fixed I think with a special keyboard input)

06) Put the name of the rule behind the rule number (Fixed)

07) Add comments to rule (Fixed I think)

08) Import rule(s)

09) Export rule(s)

10) Made the sync button green (Fixed)

11) Search on name(s)

12) A real filter >> Filter on lights, switch, meters, (device type), room, etc

13) Put the feedback button on the bottom for more space

And communication with customers must be better: For example, not long time ago there was new things published in the Web UI. With out a word from Zipato? Why? Of course I like new things but some kind of communication with customers is good.

I wanted them to add support for WTE-2 switch but it was hard for them. They did it, but not perfect. And I ask them what should I use to achieve what I want. What switch should I use that fits with Schneider Exxact? I still don't have any thing that works. The best light switch I have is still Philips Hue Dimmer Switch.

My god after al this rant, and with all there support and patients, I almost feel ashamed because I mix a lot of subjects. And to be honest it is the most advanced home automation I have used. But when it does not work it is really painful. And it could be lights that not turn off.

Last time there was sever problems they announced it and I got the impression that they where going to be more opened.

Some of the most important things is missing and continuously problems with devices and speed of there service.

Sory for the rant Zipato!



I agree with part of your comment but I would not so pessimistic.

Zipato have a great system and despite lacks in feedback and communication I would not so pessimistic.

Any person wants something different (web UI, app etc.) but everybody wants first of all a stable and reliable system, this is the main matter that if I where Zipato would already focused.

Other systems have their own problems but not the one affecting much Zipato ... the synchronization with the servers that affect really the use of the system.

Vera witch is my parallel box to Zipato is almost perfect in this and surely has a larger number of boxes to sync.


I can only compare to Tellstick Net, Harmony hub and Philips Hue Bridge 2.0 and they are never down. Ok Tellstick was down 2 times during the years. But not advanced like Zipato.

I have long list with problems that Zipato now about. But I keep my hopes up because it is a good concept.

But in general I often sound pessimistic, not by purpose.

But in general I am very optimistic and agree with you Andrea!



I have the ZipaBox since two months and have nothing but stress and anger, there is hardly a day where a reasonable control and regulate with this box is possible.

I had two years a Veralite and I had such massive problems never. Unfortunately died my Veralite and had hopes to acquire a good system with the Zipabox.

I'm going to buy a Vera Edge.

A smart home system with cloud connectivity is far too insecure and I have no right local control.


a Zipabox-aggrieved


Same problem again tonight ! :(


I’ve the same problem. Early in the morning (5:30) the web application works well. But

in the evening the web performance is really braking together.

Hope you will find a solution :-)


Same problem over here, system is very unstable!!


This is just incredible... and still no official statement from Zipato.

I agree with Jacob. It's frustrating that Zipato uses a lot of resources pushing out new products and "foilware/marketing" while neglecting their core systems and existing users. They are pushing out too many unfinished features with a lot of bugs instead of stabilizing what they have.

Pleeeease stabilize and properly test new functionality before releasing it to the public.

I'll create an support ticket regarding these server issues.



I am not sure if this is related to this server problems but since a while I have problems with the status in the webapp or android.

Local connection reports correct. Happens with other devices too.


Zipabox is online.

The plug is turned OFF (there is a led indicator on the plug).

Local connection shows correct. (OFF)

Webapp and android shows wrong. (ON)

The status of the plug has not changed for 2 hours. So it is no delay. (or a very extrem delay)

One of the most important features is that I can rely on the zipabox.

If status of devices are reported wrong on the remote it is realy displeasing.

eg. when I am away and a window reports open even if it is in real closed.

Has anyone experienced same problems?




I’ve the

same problem too.

I’ve tested the door contact with a small rule.

When I open the door I get an email message “Door open”, when I close the door

the Email informs me too.

This works very well, it only takes 2 – 4 second to get the massage. So, the

ZipaBox must work well.

“Online” I’ve the same problem, it takes minutes to minutes to get the right

status and often it’s wrong.

!!!!! NOTICE: !!!!!

!!!!! On the

old WEBGUI it seams to work !!!!!


hallo norman!

Thanks for the reply.

I checked the old WEBGUI also.

Same problem.

It seems that sometimes the events (eg.: switch turned off) are not submitted to the zipato server. Even after hours state is wrong in the WEBGUI.




Nordmann you are absolutely right!

The delay and malfunction is only on the NEW web UI, if I look at the OLD web UI everything is correct and act in ral time with almost no delay!

Zipato you have to correct this BIG PROBLEM !!!


And now it's suddenly very responsive again (the new UI).. 2-3 seconds delay, which is very good.



now it is better 3 sec in the new UI and almost immediate in the old UI (like before).

Tomorrow afternoon (it seems getting bad at around 5pm GMT)/evening we will be having same issue if Zipato do not act.


Any news about the server problems?


Nope, still no response on the support ticket I created.


I just got a somewhat strange answer from Zipato support in regards to my support ticket regarding the same issue.


we are aware of this problem!Our cloud provider is doing some maintenance so this is slowing our reports and communication.


A cloud provider doing maintenance over several days?! Maintenance that seriously impacts on their (the cloud providers) customers?! Time for Zipato to change cloud provider maybe...

Also, if this is known. Put some information on the community site or something.


To be honest, I don't believe them. If they haven't changed their cloud provider, they are still running on Amazon Cloud.

The Amazon Cloud in doesn't have any issues at the moment, and has reported 100% stability on all services for the last week on all service regions. You can see the status here:


I wasn't aware Zipato used Amazon Cloud. And with that additional information I have to agree with you. I also don't believe Zipato in this case.


here at the moment there is also no reaction from devices. zipabox is not blinkin and online.

sensors, stay on motion, door sensors open etc.


My system is also very slow...


My system is also slow tonight, like the two other nights...


Just noticed that.

My motion sensors don't do anything and the app commands don't show the right status for a long time


Same here. I can't control My devices from Web or phone App Any more or only with a Long Delay. Also Network heal doesn't work for me.

Status of My devices is also shown wrong for Hours now.


I have had the same problem two hours ago but for me it is solved now.

I can NOT notice any delay and live events are working again.


Not for me. Still the Same Problems.


Same problem for me..


"And the only thing people want is that they improve there software. And they are focusing on new products. You have to hire or found resources to put on programing and fixing the things people complain over."


I do not dare to by the Zipatile, while there are so many issues. A stable firmware 1.0 version for the Zipabox is required first.

I understand that Zipato has to make money and maybe therefore has released new products, but a satisfied client base is more powerfull to sell extra boxes than unreliable and erroneous software.

Will there be a 1.0 in 2016? Or will the number of issues in this forum hit 1.000?


Add me to the list of people that are sick of this thing not working correctly. It's always something. Rules stop working, the response is slow, the server is down and all the while they want to sell new products.

Why don't you spend a little time and fix the stuff you have first. How about that for an idea?

I sell automation systems. I bought this thing to test at my own house before selling it to my clients. There is no way I would even give this thing to them.


seems is down....... since this morning:

Error establishing a database connection


Yes, that's true? Did anyone know more about the current situation?


Cannot see that. Here in Northern Germany is all ok.


I still have slow feedback from my devices tonight. Many minutes before getting the result in the user interface.


Do a reboot.


Reboot doesn't Solve the Problem for me. Also Firmware downgrade. Since Friday My system is not usable at all.


Has anyone heard from Zipato, besides the user 'Institutionalized'?

I created an urgent support ticket last Thursday, and still no response from Zipato either on the support ticket or on this forum...


Same problem again today. Very slow response delay... I had to reboot the box to see the results but I am not sure this will help more than a few hours.


Here are repeated the same problem today. Reboot don´t solve the is frustrating!!!


same here! :-/


same in belgium


Same her for me!


It sounds like Zipato don't care about this problem... No news, no information.


seams zipato is really valuing user input since there is not one single replay from them

To tired of the empty promises from this company, that i dont even complain anymore

Its been several of years with this hardware and the box is almost as unstable as it was from the start

+1 Jacob Wiqvist for keeping up the energy and trying to change things


The thing I am worried about is the development of software is so slow. Normally all my apps update once a week in App Store, and if I look at home automation apps it is once a month, but with Zipato it is very slow. And I have seen people have asked about obvious thing in rule creator, and 2 years later very little have happened.

I am very sad that I have to be negative so often when I want to just be happy.

But they should have a least one or two Programers of iOS App in house and one or 2 for Aneroid and they should work closely together and someone in charge of interface and human interaction otherwise it is very big risk that programers think like programers, meaning, things that is logic for them is not for the users.

Buy the way there is no support for Philips Hue in .....9999.8m so I suggest they remove the support banner or fix support!

No support for stopp command for the blinds yet? In my world it is very little work to fix this.

But as long as there is nothing better within my price range I will support Zipato.


I got a response to my Support Ticket. They have told me that they have informed the developers about These issues. Hope things get better soon.


Hello, apologize for my English I'm french :)

Using zipabox since 1 year and a half, I agree with all of you. Lot of slow response time especially in the evening. This make me crazy as I manage a lot of things in my house with the box.

Also asked several times to zipato team to communicate a little bit success !


my box also have problems, not shore what happens but very slow specially in editing scenes. Seems to loose connection with server now and then. Box is useless now. patrik


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How do you guys setup email notification when the box have been offline ?

Could someone give an example ?


I got a reponse from support at 14th of January (I have been away for a while):


Hi Erik,Issue where events woudl be delayed has been the meanwhile I am still monitoring our services to see if anything else could be improved.Thank you for your feedback and if you notice anything out of ordinary please report it here.


Fingers crossed - let's hope these problems are a part of the past.

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